On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Gordana Vitez <gvi...@niagaracollege.ca> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> I probably should have clarified my language as well. We capture
> reservations; however, we still have the same issues with "late pickups" and
> have to taken to capturing and checking out at the time the pickup is
> expected.

So... I just ran through the following workflow on our Evergreen 2.1
production system:

1. Made an existing item bookable (through Item Status -> Make item bookable)
2. Used "Booking -> Create reservation" to create a reservation for
that item 20 minutes in the future
3. Used "Booking -> Capture resources" to capture the item
4. Used "Circulation -> Check in items" to check in the item (this
wasn't necessary according to the docs, but I wasn't looking at the
docs at the time, so any "transit to reservations" message triggers a
Pavlovian "must check in" response...)
5. Waited 35 minutes, so 15 minutes past the time the item was
supposed to be picked up, then used "Booking -> Pick up reservations"
to show the list of reservations for the target patron. The item in
question was displayed.
6. Selected the item and clicked "Pick up". The item was checked out
to the target patron.
7. Used "Circulation -> Check in items" to return the item.

There are all kinds of qualifiers here; this was the first reservation
for the item, and the first reservation for that patron, and there was
only one concurrent reservation for that patron, and the extra "Check
in" after "Capture" might have thrown things off... but I hit no
roadblocks in terms of checking out a late item.

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