What an outstanding pool of nominees.
Hear, hear!

On 03/21/2018 02:14 PM, Ruth Frasur wrote:
What an outstanding pool of nominees.

On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 11:31 AM, Tim Spindler <tjspind...@gmail.com <mailto:tjspind...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Here are a list of candidates.  The candidates are listed in
    alphabetical order along with their statements.  In the next few
    days, we will be sending out emails to all who registered to vote
    in the election.  I would like to thank all who were nominated and
    agreed to server on the Oversight Board.

    Adam Bowling- Technical Director, Emerald Data Networks

    Candidate Statement

    As an active participant and administrator in the community for
    nearly ten years, I am thrilled at the continued development and
    implementation of Evergreen throughout the world. I wish to be a
    part of it for the next ten years and beyond.

    Jason Boyer- MIS Supervisor, Indiana State Library

    Candidate StatementI have worked in libraries since 2000 and have
    worked at Evergreen libraries since 2008 when my library joined
    the newly formed Evergreen Indiana Consortium. Shortly thereafter
    I began submitting patches and have been a contributor since. In
    2013 I took a position as the System Administrator for Evergreen
    Indiana. Working on both sides of ILS management has exposed me to
    a wide range of concerns from how to make the most of Evergreen
    features at a single library to how to scale a system up to serve
    over 115 library systems at over 160 physical locations. This has
    given me a significant interest in the ways that Evergreen
    performance can be enhanced while still adding new features.

    Anna Goben- Evergreen Indiana Coordinator, Indiana State Library

    Candidate Statement

    I’ve been working with the Evergreen ILS since 2008.  At that
    time, I was working as a Reference Librarian and was chosen to
    serve as ILS Project Manager for my small public library when we
    joined the newly formed Evergreen Indiana consortium as a pilot
    member.  In 2013, I became the project director of the Evergreen
    Indiana consortium, responsible for training, recruitment and
    migration direction, event planning, committee coordination, and
    policy management for all 116 of our active and 5 migrating
    members.  I coordinated the Evergreen International Hack-A-Way in
    2016 and 2017 and serve as a consortium representative to the
    MassLNC collaborative development group. Through my roles over the
    years, I have had the opportunity to become aware of the needs and
    experiences common to front line library staff of all levels as
    well as the administrative challenges of a consortium that play a
    significant role in developing, implementing, and utilizing
    Evergreen successfully in libraries today.

    Debbie Lubenchill- Evergreen Coordinator, MOBIUS

    Candidate Statement

    I am a librarian and have been the Evergreen Coordinator at MOBIUS
    since August 2012, where I help administer our Evergreen hosting
    and managing services:  conducting trainings, creating
    documentation, answering help desk questions, assisting with
    system setup during migrations, and performing a variety of other
    administrative functions.  Being a part of the Evergreen community
    over the last five years has been a really important and fun
    aspect of my job - attending conferences, serving on several
    Conference Site Selection Committees, participating in the
    Documentation Interest Group, and helping to plan the 2018
    conference.  I have also served on other Boards and leadership
    teams, both professionally and in my local community, and my
    strengths lie in helping people communicate and work together,
    problem solving, listening, leadership, and empathy. I am excited
    to offer my strengths and skills to the Evergreen community and
    look forward to serving you!

    Meme Marlow- Director, Worch Memorial Public Library, Versailles,
    OH  (COOL)

    Candidate Statement

    I am Meme Marlow the director of Worch Memorial Public Library in
    Versailles, Ohio and a member of the Consortium of Ohio Libraries
    (COOL). I have been the director of the library for 8 years. It
    was during that time a group of library directors interested in
    open source ILSs got together to discuss options for making this a
    reality. In 2012 these libraries formed COOL using Evergreen.

    Since joining in 2013, my main contributions to Evergreen have
    been helping establish the consortium through serving on the COOL
    board and assisting in the development of policies and procedures
    that will be attractive to other libraries seeking membership in a
    consortium. In addition, I am now serving as the president of the
    COOL board and am an active member of the Evergreen outreach

    Now that COOL is a healthy and thriving consortium, I am ready to
    get more involved with the larger Evergreen community. I am
    looking forward to the opportunity to serve and I think I can make
    a valuable contribution to Evergreen community through service on
    the Evergreen Oversight Board.

    Jessica Woolford- Systems Manager, Bibliomation

    Candidate Statement

    I attended my first Evergreen conference in 2010. I was still in
    library school and just beginning my professional career at
    Bibliomation. It was my first professional conference, I was on a
    panel, and I was terrified! I soon learned I had nothing to fear.
    I have found the Evergreen community to be extremely
    knowledgeable, supportive, and friendly. It has contributed
    greatly to my professional development, as I have moved up to the
    role of Evergreen Systems Manager at Bibliomation. In my career, I
    have been able to see Evergreen from many angles, from the
    perspective of the supporting the end users, and now the "care and
    feeding" of the Evergreen system. I continuously look for ways to
    contribute to the community. I have presented at several Evergreen
    conferences and served as the Reports Interest Group convener. I
    am grateful for the opportunities the Evergreen community has
    given me, and I would be honored to serve the community in a new

-- Tim Spindler, Evergreen Oversight Board Chair
    tjspind...@gmail.com <mailto:tjspind...@gmail.com>

    *P**   Go Green - **Save a tree! Please don't print this e-mail
    unless it's really necessary.*

Ruth Frasur
Director of the Historic(ally Awesome) Hagerstown - Jefferson Township Library
10 W. College Street in Hagerstown, Indiana (47346)
p (765) 489-5632; f (765) 489-5808

*Our Kickin' Website <http://hagerstownlibrary.org>, Our Rockin' Facebook Page <http://facebook.com/hjtplibrary>,  and The Nettle Creek Players <http://nettlecreekplayers.com>*

Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier

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