Hello, I've been changing around some indexing rules and applied the fix to the 
full stop/rda relator code normalization issue and now just noticed that all 
the no longer used browse entries are sticking around in metabib.browse_entry.

There are 175K entries out of 950K that are no longer used according to 
metabib.browse_entry_def_map and metabib.browse_entry_simple_heading_map.

Has anyone found this to be an issue and removed those unused entries?  I don't 
think this is causing any issues, it just seems strange to hold on to that 
data.  Any typo that was ever entered in a browse field and corrected is 
recorded there.


Lake Agassiz Regional Library - Moorhead MN larl.org
Josh Stompro     | Office 218.233.3757 EXT-139
LARL IT Director | Cell 218.790.2110

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