Ben Lake wrote:
> #sudo iscsiadm -m node -L automatic
> Login session [iface: default, target:, 
> portal:,3260]
> Distro: Ubuntu 8.04.01
> ---- init snippet ----
> PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
> DAEMON=/usr/sbin/iscsid
> ADM=/usr/bin/iscsiadm
> PIDFILE=/var/run/
> ...
> start() {
>         log_daemon_msg "Starting iSCSI initiator service" "iscsid"
>         sanitychecks
>         modprobe -q iscsi_tcp 2>/dev/null || :
>         modprobe -q ib_iser 2>/dev/null || :
>         start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON
>         RETVAL=$?
>         log_end_msg $RETVAL
>         starttargets
> }
> starttargets() {
>         log_daemon_msg "Setting up iSCSI targets"
>         echo
>         $ADM -m node --loginall=automatic
>         log_end_msg 0
> }
> ...
> ---- end init snippet ----
> #whereis iscsiadm
> iscsiadm: /usr/bin/iscsiadm /usr/share/man/man8/iscsiadm.8.gz
> Looks like "$ADM -m node --loginall=automatic" is the line being used to 
> login to all the targets, perhaps not quite what we want?

$ADM -m node --loginall=automatic"

is just short for the command I had you run by hand:
iscsiadm -m node -L automatic

What is the output of

iscsiadm -m node -T | grep node.startup

> Mike Christie wrote:
>> Ben Lake wrote:
>>> How is using the discovery command automatic if I still need to 
>>> specify all the details for each target?
>> All I said below is that you can run the command without having to set 
>> the startup and it will log in. And I meant it will log in when you 
>> run the command. Sorry for bad description.
>> With the command below you do not have to run the discovery command 
>> and the login command. It is helpful for scrtips that just want to log 
>> into whatever is found during discovery instead of doing the node db 
>> route. A lot of times you have a discovery address where multiple 
>> targets with multiple ports are found, so it is useful to see for that 
>> type of case. If you have to do discovery for each target then yeah, 
>> there is not much point except saving one command.
>>> Anyway, I'm primarily concerned with why, on startup, it does not 
>>> login when the conf is set to automatic. It spits out the "no records 
>>> found" message as if it spelled things wrong :) Anything I can do to 
>>> troubleshoot that?
>> What distro and init script are you running?
>> Run
>> iscsiadm -m node -L automatic
>> Does that work? If not run it with debugging
>> iscsiadm -m node -L automatic -d 8
>> and send all the output.
>>> Mike Christie wrote:
>>>> Ben Lake wrote:
>>>>> Hah! Sometimes all it takes is another set of eyes. Score one for 
>>>>> obvious. Thanks Mike.
>>>>> As far as the automatic login, I did set it in the conf. Then I 
>>>>> logged out of the target and restarted the service. It said 
>>>>> "Logging into targets" or something similar and then spit out the 
>>>>> "no records found" message.
>>>>> So I assumed my issues were all related. We know that isn't the 
>>>>> case :)
>>>>> You said something about using discovery mode to automatically login? 
>>>> Not me.
>>>>> like iscsiadm -m discovery -l? Would that not work regardless of 
>>>>> the config setting?
>>>> It should. It is
>>>> iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p ip -l
>>>>> Thanks again!
>>>>> Mike Christie wrote:
>>>>>> Ben Lake wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>>> Before I ask anything I'd like to say thank you to all the devs. 
>>>>>>> I appreciate the existence of your project and your hard work!
>>>>>>> Now I've got a little situation which should hopefully be chalked 
>>>>>>> up to my newb status with open-iscsi.
>>>>>>> Per the snippet below I can't seem to manually login directly to 
>>>>>>> a single target. Every time I try I get "iscsiadm: no records 
>>>>>>> found!". Whether I use the target name, portal, or both. As you 
>>>>>>> can see I have a discovery entry for the portal, and I have a 
>>>>>>> target entry in the node table. The only way I can login to this 
>>>>>>> target is with a blanket node login. It does work. The other 
>>>>>>> interesting bit is when I set the config to auto connect to all 
>>>>>>> targets on startup, that did _not_ work. So apparently the auto 
>>>>>>> connect doesn't use the blanket node login mechanism or some 
>>>>>>> such. Any thoughts or flames are appreciated :P
>>>>>>> Thanks again!
>>>>>>> --- snip ---
>>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo iscsiadm -m discovery
>>>>>>> via sendtargets
>>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo iscsiadm -m node
>>>>>> Normally the name of the target starts with "iqn". A "Q" instead 
>>>>>> of a "G" like above. Below you use a "Q", which is probably why it 
>>>>>> is not working. Sometimes you also drop parts of the name.
>>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo iscsiadm -m node -T 
>>>>>>> -p -l
>>>>>> If the target has a "G" in the node db, then you need to pass it a 
>>>>>> "G" here. This has a "Q" in the iqn.
>>>>>>> iscsiadm: no records found!
>>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo iscsiadm -m node -T 
>>>>>>> -p 
>>>>>> This one will not work because it is misspelled. It is missing the 
>>>>>> end part ":3t.r5.0", and you need to use a "G" like in the node db.
>>>>>>> -l
>>>>>>> iscsiadm: no records found!
>>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo iscsiadm -m discovery -P 1
>>>>>>> DiscoveryAddress:,3260
>>>>>>>     Target:
>>>>>>>         Portal:,1
>>>>>>>            Iface Name: default
>>>>>>> iSNS:
>>>>>>> No targets found.
>>>>>>> STATIC:
>>>>>>> No targets found.
>>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo iscsiadm -m session -P 1
>>>>>>> iscsiadm: No active sessions.
>>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo iscsiadm -m node -T 
>>>>>>> -l
>>>>>> This one is just mispelled. No ending.
>>>>>>> iscsiadm: no records found!
>>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo iscsiadm -m node -l
>>>>>>> Login session [iface: default, target: 
>>>>>> See this has a "G". So you need to use a "G" or fix it on the 
>>>>>> target so it is spelled like how you want.
>>>>>>> portal:,3260]
>>>>>> For the automatic login, how are you settting the automatic login? 
>>>>>> By setting it in /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf then running discovery or 
>>>>>> did you run the iscsiadm in update mode to set the setting? If the 
>>>>>> latter maybe you had it mispelled so it did not get picked up.
>> >>

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