From: Lalit Chandivade <>

1. Current status:
Using iscsiadm one cannot do any network configuration for qla4xxx adapters.
However an iface is created for the qla4xxx ports using the hwaddress.

\# ls /etc/iscsi/ifaces/
iface.example  iface0  qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a  qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2e 
This allows user to issue sendtargets via the qla4xxx iscsi offload.

2. Current Proposal:
Current proposal is to allow iscsiadm to configure the network settings for 
qla4xxx ports.

This implementation is based on discussions at

2.1 Changes in iscsiadm/iscsid

2.1.1 Add a new event: ISCSI_UEVENT_SET_NET_CONFIG

2.1.2 New structure to represent a single network parameter
/* iSCSI network params */
enum iscsi_net_param_type {
        ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_ADDR       = 1,
        ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_SUBNET     = 2,
        ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_GW         = 3,
        ISCSI_NET_PARAM_VLAN            = 5,
        ISCSI_NET_PARAM_MAC             = 6,
        ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV6_ADDR       = 8,
        ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV6_ROUTER     = 9,
        ISCSI_NET_PARAM_NET_STATE       = 11,

struct iscsi_net_param {
        uint32_t param_type; /* enum iscsi_net_param */
        uint32_t iface_type; /* IPv4 or IPv6 */
        uint32_t iface_num; /* iface number, 0 - n */
        uint32_t length; /* Actual length of the param */
        uint32_t offset; /* For param with length > 256 */
        uint8_t value[256]; /* max is 223 iscsi name */ } 
} __attribute__((packed));

2.1.3 New parameters in iface
Added following params:-

 typedef struct iface_rec {
        struct list_head        list;
        /* iscsi iface record name */
        char                    name[ISCSI_MAX_IFACE_LEN];
+       char                    iface_num[ISCSI_MAX_STR_LEN];
        /* network layer iface name (eth0) */
        char                    netdev[IFNAMSIZ];
        char                    ipaddress[NI_MAXHOST];
+       char                    subnet_mask[NI_MAXHOST];
+       char                    gateway[NI_MAXHOST];
+       char                    bootproto[ISCSI_MAX_STR_LEN];
+       char                    ipv6_linklocal[NI_MAXHOST];
+       char                    ipv6_router[NI_MAXHOST];
+       char                    autocfg[NI_MAXHOST];
+       char                    vlan[ISCSI_MAX_STR_LEN];
+       char                    state[ISCSI_MAX_STR_LEN]; /* 0 = disable,
+                                                          * 1 = enable */

2.1.4 Change in operations
Add two new operations to iscsiadm
apply: Apply the single iface settings
applyall: Apply the iface settings of all iface having the same MAC address

2.2 Changes in sysfs network representation The new sysfs directory would look 
like thisi:-
|- ipv4-iface-<host_no>-<iface_no>/                             <-- for ipv4
                                |- ipaddress
                                |- subnet
                                |- gateway
                                |- state
|- ipv6-iface-<host_no>-<iface_no>/                             <-- for ipv6
                                |- ipaddress
                                |- link_local_addr
                                |- router_addr
                                |- state

3. Flow:
3.1 User space code:
            - If user specify --op=update, then just update the iface config 
            - If use specify --op=applyall then read ifaces having the same 
              and build up the net config buffer.
            - Note: If --op is "apply" then only settings for single iface is 
              the iface provided with -I option is only read.
            - The net config buffer will look like this.
        | iscsi_net_param {                                             |
        |  param = ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_ADDR;                           |
        |  iface_num = 0;                                               |
        |  length = 4                                                   |
        |  offset = 0;                                                  |
        |  value[0] = ipaddress[0];                                     |
        |  value[1] = ipaddress[1];                                     |
        |  value[2] = ipaddress[2];                                     |
        |  value[3] = ipaddress[3];                                     |
        | }                                                             |
        |  iscsi_net_param {                                            |
        |  param = ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_GW;                             |
        |  iface_num = 0;                                               |
        |  length = 4                                                   |
        |  offset = 0;                                                  |
        |  value[0] = ipgateway[0];                                     |
        |  value[1] = ipgateway[1];                                     |
        |  value[2] = ipgateway[2];                                     |
        |  value[3] = ipgateway[3];                                     |
        | }                                                             |
        |                                                               |
        | iscsi_net_param {                                             |
        |  param = ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_ADDR;                           |
        |  iface_num = 1;                                               |
        |  length = 4                                                   |
        |  offset = 0;                                                  |
        |  value[0] = ipaddress[0];                                     |
        |  value[1] = ipaddress[1];                                     |
        |  value[2] = ipaddress[2];                                     |
        |  value[3] = ipaddress[3];                                     |
        | }                                                             |
        | iscsi_net_param {                                             |
        |  param = ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_GW;                             |
        |  iface_num = 1;                                               |
        |  length = 4                                                   |
        |  offset = 0;                                                  |
        |  value[0] = ipgateway[0];                                     |
        |  value[1] = ipgateway[1];                                     |
        |  value[2] = ipgateway[2];                                     |
        |  value[3] = ipgateway[3];                                     |
        | }                                                             |
        | iscsi_net_param {                                             |
        |  param = ISCSI_NET_PARAM_NET_STATE;                           |
        |  iface_num = 1;                                               |
        |  length = 1                                                   |
        |  offset = 0;                                                  |
        |  value[0] = 0; /* 0 = disable, default = 1 = enable           |
        | }                                                             |

        And so on....

        The total size of this will be addition of sizeof each iscsi_net_param
        And this will be the payload

        ev = (iscsi_uevent *)net_param_buf;
        ev.msg_setnet_param.host_no with be the scsi_host number
        ev.msg_set_net_param.count = Total number of net params.

        - This ev need to be sent down with event type = 

3.2 Kernel space code:
        - Once event is received, the buffer will look like as explained above
        - the scsi_transport_iscsi would call the adapters 
        - In set_net_config each individual param can be decoded and set into 

4. qla4xxx configuration:
        iscsid, creates the iface for qla4xxx, based on the hwaddress. To 
        the iface related to qla4xxx execute following
           # iscsiadm -m iface

To setup network configuration there can be two methods 4. 1. User can manually 
modify the iface file, and issue an "apply" command.
iface.example  iface0  qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a  qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2e

            iface.ipaddress = (decimal)
            iface.iface_num = 0 (default)
            iface.subnetmask = (decimal)
            iface.vlan = 0x1022 (hex)

            # vi qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a.ipv6
            If file does not exisit the one can create it.
            iface.ipaddress =  1111:2222::7777:8888 (hex)
            iface.iface_num = 0
            iface.vlan = 0x1022 (hex)

            # iscsiadm -m iface -I qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a --op=applyall
            This will read the iface config file and apply the settings to the
            Note, this will read all the iface belonging to the same MAC 

4.2. User can use iscsiadm to specify the values and then apply
            # ls /etc/iscsi/ifaces/
iface.example  iface0  qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a  qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2e
            # iscsiadm -m iface -I qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a -o update \
               -n iface.ipaddress -v
            # iscsiadm -m iface -I qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a -o update \
                           -n iface.gateway -v
            # iscsiadm -m iface -I qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a -o update \
                           -n iface.subnet_mask -v
            # iscsiadm -m iface -I qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a -o applyall

            Setting up multiple IP:
            First interface (default, no need to set iface_num, it is 0 by 
            # iscsiadm -m iface -I qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a -o update \
                           -n iface.ipaddress -v
            Create the second one if it does not exist
            # iscsiadm -m iface -I qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a.1 -op=new
            # iscsiadm -m iface -I qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a -o update \
                           -n iface.iface_num -v 1 (Mandatory)
            # iscsiadm -m iface -I qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a -o update \
                           -n iface.ipaddress -v
            # iscsiadm -m iface -I qla4xxx.00:0e:1e:04:8b:2a --op=applyall

            Note: If there are common settings for multiple interfaces then the
            settings from 0th iface would be considered valid.

            Note: To apply settings for a single iface, just say --op=apply

Signed-off-by: Lalit Chandivade <>
Signed-off-by: Harish Zunjarrao <>
Signed-off-by: Vikas Chaudhary <>
 include/iscsi_if.h |   44 +++++++++
 usr/config.h       |   11 ++
 usr/idbm.c         |   10 ++
 usr/idbm_fields.h  |    5 +
 usr/iface.c        |  258 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 usr/iface.h        |    2 +
 usr/iscsi_ipc.h    |    3 +
 usr/iscsiadm.c     |   80 ++++++++++++++++-
 usr/iscsid_req.c   |    3 +-
 usr/mgmt_ipc.c     |   23 +++++
 usr/mgmt_ipc.h     |    5 +
 usr/netlink.c      |  153 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 12 files changed, 561 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/iscsi_if.h b/include/iscsi_if.h
index 50a09cb..b04eba2 100644
--- a/include/iscsi_if.h
+++ b/include/iscsi_if.h
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ enum iscsi_uevent_e {



@@ -181,6 +182,10 @@ struct iscsi_uevent {
                struct msg_set_path {
                        uint32_t        host_no;
                } set_path;
+               struct msg_set_net_config {
+                       uint32_t        host_no;
+                       uint32_t        count;
+               } set_net_config;
        } u;
        union {
                /* messages k -> u */
@@ -246,6 +251,45 @@ struct iscsi_path {
        uint16_t        pmtu;
 } __attribute__ ((aligned (sizeof(uint64_t))));

+#define        ISCSI_BOOTPROTO_STATIC          0x0
+#define        ISCSI_BOOTPROTO_DHCP            0x1
+#define        ISCSI_IPv6_AUTOCFG_LINKLOCAL_ADDR       0x01
+#define        ISCSI_IPv6_AUTOCFG_ND_ADDR_ENABLE       0x02
+#define        ISCSI_IPv6_AUTOCFG_DFLT_ROUTER_ADDR     0x04
+/* iSCSI network params */
+enum iscsi_net_param_type {
+       ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_ADDR       = 1,
+       ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_SUBNET     = 2,
+       ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_GW         = 3,
+       ISCSI_NET_PARAM_VLAN            = 5,
+       ISCSI_NET_PARAM_MAC             = 6,
+       ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV6_ADDR       = 8,
+       ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV6_ROUTER     = 9,
+       ISCSI_NET_PARAM_NET_STATE       = 11,
+/* 20 param per iface * 5 iface per port = 100 params */
+#define        ISCSI_MAX_IFACE_PER_HW          5
+#define        ISCSI_MAX_PARAM_PER_IFACE       20
+#define        ISCSI_MAX_NET_PARAMS            (ISCSI_MAX_IFACE_PER_HW * \
+                                       ISCSI_MAX_PARAM_PER_IFACE)
+#define        IFACE_TYPE_IPV4                 0
+#define        IFACE_TYPE_IPV6                 1
+struct iscsi_net_param {
+       uint32_t param_type; /* enum iscsi_net_param */
+       uint32_t iface_type; /* IPv4 or IPv6 */
+       uint32_t iface_num; /* iface number, 0 - n */
+       uint32_t length; /* Actual length of the param */
+       uint32_t offset; /* For param with length > 256 */
+       uint8_t value[256]; /* max is 223 iscsi name */
+} __attribute__((packed));
  * Common error codes
diff --git a/usr/config.h b/usr/config.h
index 5cb4d56..8ed71be 100644
--- a/usr/config.h
+++ b/usr/config.h
@@ -196,14 +196,25 @@ typedef struct session_rec {
 } session_rec_t;

+#define        ISCSI_MAX_STR_LEN       80

 typedef struct iface_rec {
        struct list_head        list;
        /* iscsi iface record name */
        char                    name[ISCSI_MAX_IFACE_LEN];
+       char                    iface_num[ISCSI_MAX_STR_LEN];
        /* network layer iface name (eth0) */
        char                    netdev[IFNAMSIZ];
        char                    ipaddress[NI_MAXHOST];
+       char                    subnet_mask[NI_MAXHOST];
+       char                    gateway[NI_MAXHOST];
+       char                    bootproto[ISCSI_MAX_STR_LEN];
+       char                    ipv6_linklocal[NI_MAXHOST];
+       char                    ipv6_router[NI_MAXHOST];
+       char                    autocfg[NI_MAXHOST];
+       char                    vlan[ISCSI_MAX_STR_LEN];
+       char                    state[ISCSI_MAX_STR_LEN]; /* 0 = disable,
+                                                          * 1 = enable */
         * TODO: we may have to make this bigger and interconnect
         * specific for infinniband
diff --git a/usr/idbm.c b/usr/idbm.c
index a73b410..7fa2cc6 100644
--- a/usr/idbm.c
+++ b/usr/idbm.c
@@ -370,6 +370,16 @@ void idbm_recinfo_iface(iface_rec_t *r, recinfo_t *ri)
        __recinfo_str(IFACE_TRANSPORTNAME, ri, r, transport_name,
                      IDBM_SHOW, num, 1);
        __recinfo_str(IFACE_INAME, ri, r, iname, IDBM_SHOW, num, 1);
+       __recinfo_str(IFACE_BOOT_PROTO, ri, r, bootproto, IDBM_SHOW, num, 1);
+       __recinfo_str(IFACE_SUBNET_MASK, ri, r, subnet_mask,
+                     IDBM_SHOW, num, 1);
+       __recinfo_str(IFACE_GATEWAY, ri, r, gateway, IDBM_SHOW, num, 1);
+       __recinfo_str(IFACE_LINKLOCAL, ri, r, ipv6_linklocal,
+                     IDBM_SHOW, num, 1);
+       __recinfo_str(IFACE_ROUTER, ri, r, ipv6_router, IDBM_SHOW, num, 1);
+       __recinfo_str(IFACE_STATE, ri, r, state, IDBM_SHOW, num, 1);
+       __recinfo_str(IFACE_VLAN, ri, r, vlan, IDBM_SHOW, num, 1);
+       __recinfo_str(IFACE_NUM, ri, r, iface_num, IDBM_SHOW, num, 1);

 recinfo_t *idbm_recinfo_alloc(int max_keys)
diff --git a/usr/idbm_fields.h b/usr/idbm_fields.h
index eaa55d1..6e648f2 100644
--- a/usr/idbm_fields.h
+++ b/usr/idbm_fields.h
@@ -76,6 +76,11 @@
 #define IFACE_PRIMARY_DNS      "iface.primary_dns"
 #define IFACE_SEC_DNS          "iface.secondary_dns"
 #define IFACE_VLAN             "iface.vlan"
+#define        IFACE_LINKLOCAL         "iface.ipv6_linklocal"
+#define        IFACE_ROUTER            "iface.ipv6_router"
+#define        IFACE_AUTOCFG           "iface.autocfg"
+#define        IFACE_STATE             "iface.state"
+#define        IFACE_NUM               "iface.iface_num"

 /* discovery fields */
 #define DISC_STARTUP           "discovery.startup"
diff --git a/usr/iface.c b/usr/iface.c
index 8a1683b..ebbdef2 100644
--- a/usr/iface.c
+++ b/usr/iface.c
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>

 #include "log.h"
 #include "list.h"
@@ -885,3 +886,260 @@ fail:
        return rc;
+/* Network state: disable/enable */
+static inline void __iface_fill_net_state(struct iscsi_net_param *net_param,
+                                 struct iface_rec *iface, uint32_t iface_type)
+       memset(net_param, 0, sizeof(*net_param));
+       net_param->param_type = ISCSI_NET_PARAM_NET_STATE;
+       net_param->iface_type = iface_type;
+       net_param->length = 1;
+       if (strcmp(iface->state, "disable") == 0)
+               net_param->value[0] = 0;
+       else /* Assume enabled */
+               net_param->value[0] = 1;
+       sscanf(iface->iface_num, "%u", &net_param->iface_num);
+/* Bootproto , need to send down the valuse as set or not set*/
+static inline int __iface_fill_net_bootproto(struct iscsi_net_param *net_param,
+                                         struct iface_rec *iface)
+       memset(net_param, 0, sizeof(*net_param));
+       if (strcmp(iface->bootproto, "dhcp") == 0)
+               net_param->value[0] = ISCSI_BOOTPROTO_DHCP;
+       net_param->param_type = ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_BOOTPROTO;
+       net_param->iface_type = IFACE_TYPE_IPV4;
+       net_param->length = 1;
+       sscanf(iface->iface_num, "%u", &net_param->iface_num);
+       return 0;
+/* Autocfg */
+static inline int __iface_fill_net_autocfg(struct iscsi_net_param *net_param,
+                                         struct iface_rec *iface)
+       memset(net_param, 0, sizeof(*net_param));
+       net_param->param_type = ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV6_AUTOCFG;
+       net_param->iface_type = IFACE_TYPE_IPV6;
+       net_param->length = 1;
+       if (strcmp(iface->autocfg, "nd") == 0)
+               net_param->value[0] |= ISCSI_IPv6_AUTOCFG_ND_ADDR_ENABLE;
+       if (strcmp(iface->ipv6_linklocal, "auto") == 0)
+               net_param->value[0] |= ISCSI_IPv6_AUTOCFG_LINKLOCAL_ADDR;
+       if (strcmp(iface->ipv6_router, "auto") == 0)
+               net_param->value[0] |= ISCSI_IPv6_AUTOCFG_DFLT_ROUTER_ADDR;
+       return 0;
+/* Network IPv4 address: 4 bytes */
+static inline int __iface_fill_net_ipv4_addr(struct iscsi_net_param *net_param,
+                                            struct iface_rec *iface,
+                                            uint32_t param_type)
+       int rc = 1;
+       memset(net_param, 0, sizeof(*net_param));
+       net_param->param_type = param_type;
+       net_param->iface_type = IFACE_TYPE_IPV4;
+       net_param->length = 4;
+       switch (param_type) {
+               rc = inet_pton(AF_INET, iface->ipaddress, net_param->value);
+               if (rc <= 0)
+                       return 1;
+       break;
+               rc = inet_pton(AF_INET, iface->subnet_mask, net_param->value);
+               if (rc <= 0)
+                       return 1;
+       break;
+       case ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_GW:
+               rc = inet_pton(AF_INET, iface->gateway, net_param->value);
+               if (rc <= 0)
+                       return 1;
+       break;
+       }
+       sscanf(iface->iface_num, "%u", &net_param->iface_num);
+       /* validate */
+       if (!net_param->value[0] && !net_param->value[1] &&
+           !net_param->value[2] && !net_param->value[3])
+               return 1;
+       return 0;
+static inline int __iface_fill_net_ipv6_addr(struct iscsi_net_param *net_param,
+                                            struct iface_rec *iface,
+                                            uint32_t param_type)
+       int rc;
+       memset(net_param, 0, sizeof(*net_param));
+       net_param->param_type = param_type;
+       net_param->iface_type = IFACE_TYPE_IPV6;
+       switch (param_type) {
+               net_param->length = 16;
+               rc = inet_pton(AF_INET6, iface->ipaddress, net_param->value);
+               if (rc <= 0)
+                       return 1;
+       break;
+               net_param->length = 16;
+               rc = inet_pton(AF_INET6, iface->ipv6_linklocal,
+                   net_param->value);
+               if (rc <= 0)
+                       return 1;
+       break;
+               net_param->length = 16;
+               rc = inet_pton(AF_INET6, iface->ipv6_router, net_param->value);
+               if (rc <= 0)
+                       return 1;
+       break;
+       }
+       sscanf(iface->iface_num, "%u", &net_param->iface_num);
+       return 0;
+struct iface_net_config {
+       struct iface_rec *primary;
+       char *cfg_data;
+       int count;
+static int __iface_build_net_config(void *data, struct iface_rec *iface)
+       struct iface_net_config *net_config = data;
+       struct iscsi_net_param *net_param;
+       int rc;
+       int state_set = 0;
+       if (strcmp(net_config->primary->hwaddress, iface->hwaddress))
+               return 0;
+       if (net_config->count > ISCSI_MAX_NET_PARAMS)
+               return 1;
+       net_param = (struct iscsi_net_param *)((uint8_t *)net_config->cfg_data +
+           (sizeof(struct iscsi_net_param) * net_config->count));
+       if (__iface_fill_net_bootproto(net_param, iface) == 0) {
+               net_param++;
+               net_config->count++;
+               __iface_fill_net_state(net_param, iface, IFACE_TYPE_IPV4);
+               net_param++;
+               net_config->count++;
+               state_set = 1;
+       }
+       if (__iface_fill_net_autocfg(net_param, iface) == 0) {
+               net_param++;
+               net_config->count++;
+               __iface_fill_net_state(net_param, iface, IFACE_TYPE_IPV6);
+               net_param++;
+               net_config->count++;
+               state_set = 1;
+       }
+       if (strstr(iface->ipaddress, ":") != NULL ||
+           strstr(iface->ipv6_linklocal, ":") != NULL ||
+           strstr(iface->ipv6_router, ":") != NULL) {
+               /* IPv6 manual settings */
+               if (__iface_fill_net_ipv6_addr(net_param, iface,
+                   ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV6_ADDR) == 0) {
+                       net_param++;
+                       net_config->count++;
+               }
+               if (__iface_fill_net_ipv6_addr(net_param, iface,
+                   ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV6_LINKLOCAL) == 0) {
+                       net_param++;
+                       net_config->count++;
+               }
+               if (__iface_fill_net_ipv6_addr(net_param, iface,
+                   ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV6_ROUTER) == 0) {
+                       net_param++;
+                       net_config->count++;
+               }
+               if (!state_set) {
+                       __iface_fill_net_state(net_param, iface,
+                            IFACE_TYPE_IPV6);
+                       net_param++;
+                       net_config->count++;
+               }
+       } else { /* Assume IPv4 */
+               __iface_fill_net_state(net_param, iface, IFACE_TYPE_IPV4);
+               net_param++;
+               net_config->count++;
+               if (__iface_fill_net_ipv4_addr(net_param, iface,
+                   ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_ADDR) == 0) {
+                       net_param++;
+                       net_config->count++;
+               }
+               if (__iface_fill_net_ipv4_addr(net_param, iface,
+                   ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_SUBNET) == 0) {
+                       net_param++;
+                       net_config->count++;
+               }
+               if (__iface_fill_net_ipv4_addr(net_param, iface,
+                   ISCSI_NET_PARAM_IPV4_GW) == 0) {
+                       net_param++;
+                       net_config->count++;
+               }
+               if (!state_set) {
+                       __iface_fill_net_state(net_param, iface,
+                           IFACE_TYPE_IPV4);
+                       net_param++;
+                       net_config->count++;
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
+/* Return total number of params */
+int iface_build_net_config(struct iface_rec *iface_primary, int iface_all,
+                            char *cfg_data)
+       int num_found = 0, rc;
+       struct iface_net_config net_config;
+       log_debug(8, "In iface_build_net_config\n");
+       net_config.primary = iface_primary;
+       net_config.cfg_data = cfg_data;
+       net_config.count = 0;
+       if (iface_all)
+               rc = iface_for_each_iface(&net_config, 0, &num_found,
+                   __iface_build_net_config);
+       else
+               rc = __iface_build_net_config(&net_config, iface_primary);
+       log_debug(8, "iface_build_net_config: rc = %d, count = %d\n",
+            rc, net_config.count);
+       return net_config.count;
diff --git a/usr/iface.h b/usr/iface.h
index 9f6d47e..5217fc0 100644
--- a/usr/iface.h
+++ b/usr/iface.h
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ extern int iface_setup_from_boot_context(struct iface_rec 
                                    struct boot_context *context);
 extern int iface_create_ifaces_from_boot_contexts(struct list_head *ifaces,
                                                  struct list_head *targets);
+extern int iface_build_net_config(struct iface_rec *iface_primary,
+                                 int iface_all, char *cfg_data);

 #define iface_fmt "[hw=%s,ip=%s,net_if=%s,iscsi_if=%s]"
 #define iface_str(_iface) \
diff --git a/usr/iscsi_ipc.h b/usr/iscsi_ipc.h
index 93b4917..dd4ce41 100644
--- a/usr/iscsi_ipc.h
+++ b/usr/iscsi_ipc.h
@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ struct iscsi_ipc {
        int (*recv_pdu_begin) (struct iscsi_conn *conn);

        int (*recv_pdu_end) (struct iscsi_conn *conn);
+       int (*set_net_config) (uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t host_no,
+                              char *cfg_buf, uint32_t param_count);

 #endif /* ISCSI_IPC_H */
diff --git a/usr/iscsiadm.c b/usr/iscsiadm.c
index 3c8abd2..7a0a131 100644
--- a/usr/iscsiadm.c
+++ b/usr/iscsiadm.c
@@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ enum iscsiadm_op {
        OP_DELETE               = 0x2,
        OP_UPDATE               = 0x4,
        OP_SHOW                 = 0x8,
-       OP_NONPERSISTENT        = 0x10
+       OP_NONPERSISTENT        = 0x10,
+       OP_APPLY                = 0x20,
+       OP_APPLY_ALL            = 0x40

 static struct option const long_options[] =
@@ -138,6 +140,10 @@ str_to_op(char *str)
                op = OP_SHOW;
        else if (!strcmp("nonpersistent", str))
                op = OP_NONPERSISTENT;
+       else if (!strcmp("apply", str))
+               op = OP_APPLY;
+       else if (!strcmp("applyall", str))
+               op = OP_APPLY_ALL;
                op = OP_NOOP;

@@ -1091,6 +1097,57 @@ static void catch_sigint( int signo ) {

+static int
+iface_apply_net_config(struct iface_rec *iface, int op)
+       int rc;
+       iscsiadm_req_t *req = NULL;
+       iscsiadm_rsp_t rsp;
+       char *cfg_buf = NULL;
+       char *buf = NULL;
+       uint32_t host_no;
+       int param_count;
+       int iface_all = 0;
+       log_debug(8, "Calling iscsid, to apply net config for"
+           " = %s\n", iface->name);
+       buf = calloc((sizeof(iscsiadm_req_t) + (ISCSI_MAX_NET_PARAMS *
+           sizeof(struct iscsi_net_param))), sizeof(char));
+       if (!buf)
+               return ENOMEM;
+       if (op == OP_APPLY_ALL)
+               iface_all = 1;
+       req = (iscsiadm_req_t *)buf;
+       cfg_buf = buf + sizeof(iscsiadm_req_t);
+       /* For each iface, match hw address */
+       param_count = iface_build_net_config(iface, iface_all, cfg_buf);
+       if (!param_count) {
+               log_debug(8, "iface_apply_net_config: Nothing to configure\n");
+               goto free_buf;
+       }
+       host_no = iscsi_sysfs_get_host_no_from_hwinfo(iface, &rc);
+       req->command = MGMT_IPC_SET_HOST_NET_CONFIG;
+       strncpy(req->u.set_net_config.transport_name, iface->transport_name,
+       req->u.set_net_config.host_no = host_no;
+       req->payload_len = param_count * sizeof(struct iscsi_net_param);
+       rc = iscsid_exec_req((iscsiadm_req_t *)req, &rsp, 1);
+       log_debug(8, "iface_apply_net_config rc=%d\n", rc);
+       free(buf);
+       if (rc)
+               return EIO;
+       return 0;
 /* TODO: merge iter helpers and clean them up, so we can use them here */
 static int exec_iface_op(int op, int do_show, int info_level,
                         struct iface_rec *iface, char *name, char *value)
@@ -1217,6 +1274,27 @@ update_fail:
                log_error("Could not update iface %s: %s",
                          iface->name, iscsi_err_to_str(rc));
+       case OP_APPLY:
+       case OP_APPLY_ALL:
+               if (!iface) {
+                       log_error("Apply requires iface.");
+                       rc = EINVAL;
+                       break;
+               }
+               rc = iface_conf_read(iface);
+               if (rc) {
+                       log_error("Could not read iface %s (%d).",
+                                 iface->name, rc);
+                       break;
+               }
+               /* For each iface where hwaddress match, start filling the
+                * buffer with iscsi_net_param
+                */
+               rc = iface_apply_net_config(iface, op);
+               printf("%s applied.\n", iface->name);
+               break;
                if (!iface || (iface && info_level > 0)) {
                        if (op == OP_NOOP || op == OP_SHOW)
diff --git a/usr/iscsid_req.c b/usr/iscsid_req.c
index a49b667..3c774af 100644
--- a/usr/iscsid_req.c
+++ b/usr/iscsid_req.c
@@ -102,7 +102,8 @@ int iscsid_request(int *fd, iscsiadm_req_t *req, int 
        if (err)
                return err;

-       if ((err = write(*fd, req, sizeof(*req))) != sizeof(*req)) {
+       err = write(*fd, req, (sizeof(*req) + req->payload_len));
+       if (err != (sizeof(*req) + req->payload_len)) {
                log_error("got write error (%d/%d) on cmd %d, daemon died?",
                        err, errno, req->command);
diff --git a/usr/mgmt_ipc.c b/usr/mgmt_ipc.c
index 3e4d2ef..9218fc2 100644
--- a/usr/mgmt_ipc.c
+++ b/usr/mgmt_ipc.c
@@ -486,6 +486,28 @@ mgmt_ipc_read_req(queue_task_t *qtask)
        return rc;

+static int
+mgmt_ipc_set_host_net_config(queue_task_t *qtask)
+       struct iscsi_transport *t;
+       int param_count;
+       int err;
+       param_count = qtask->req.payload_len/sizeof(struct iscsi_net_param);
+       t = iscsi_sysfs_get_transport_by_name(
+           qtask->req.u.set_net_config.transport_name);
+       if (ipc->set_net_config(t->handle,
+           qtask->req.u.set_net_config.host_no, qtask->payload, param_count))
+               err = ISCSI_ERR;
+       else
+               err = ISCSI_SUCCESS;
+       mgmt_ipc_write_rsp(qtask, err);
+       return ISCSI_SUCCESS;
 static mgmt_ipc_fn_t * mgmt_ipc_functions[__MGMT_IPC_MAX_COMMAND] = {
 [MGMT_IPC_SESSION_LOGIN]       = mgmt_ipc_session_login,
 [MGMT_IPC_SESSION_LOGOUT]      = mgmt_ipc_session_logout,
@@ -503,6 +525,7 @@ static mgmt_ipc_fn_t *      
mgmt_ipc_functions[__MGMT_IPC_MAX_COMMAND] = {
 [MGMT_IPC_NOTIFY_DEL_NODE]     = mgmt_ipc_notify_del_node,
 [MGMT_IPC_NOTIFY_ADD_PORTAL]   = mgmt_ipc_notify_add_portal,
 [MGMT_IPC_NOTIFY_DEL_PORTAL]   = mgmt_ipc_notify_del_portal,
+[MGMT_IPC_SET_HOST_NET_CONFIG]  = mgmt_ipc_set_host_net_config,

 void mgmt_ipc_handle(int accept_fd)
diff --git a/usr/mgmt_ipc.h b/usr/mgmt_ipc.h
index 7d8ce72..e1c208a 100644
--- a/usr/mgmt_ipc.h
+++ b/usr/mgmt_ipc.h
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ typedef enum iscsiadm_cmd {
        MGMT_IPC_NOTIFY_DEL_NODE        = 17,
        MGMT_IPC_NOTIFY_ADD_PORTAL      = 18,
        MGMT_IPC_NOTIFY_DEL_PORTAL      = 19,

 } iscsiadm_cmd_e;
@@ -77,6 +78,10 @@ typedef struct iscsiadm_req {
                        char value[IFNAMSIZ + 1];

                } set_host_param;
+               struct ipc_msg_set_net_config {
+                       char transport_name[ISCSI_TRANSPORT_NAME_MAXLEN];
+                       uint32_t host_no;
+               } set_net_config;
        } u;
 } iscsiadm_req_t;

diff --git a/usr/netlink.c b/usr/netlink.c
index c5d8650..c54792b 100644
--- a/usr/netlink.c
+++ b/usr/netlink.c
@@ -53,8 +53,12 @@ static struct iscsi_ipc_ev_clbk *ipc_ev_clbk;

 static int ctldev_handle(void);

+       (ISCSI_MAX_NET_PARAMS * sizeof(struct iscsi_net_param) + \
+       sizeof(struct iscsi_uevent))
                         sizeof(struct iscsi_hdr)))

@@ -255,19 +259,15 @@ kwritev(enum iscsi_uevent_e type, struct iovec *iovp, int 
  *        cleanup. (Dima)
 static int
-__kipc_call(void *iov_base, int iov_len)
+__kipc_call(struct iovec *iovp, int count)
        int rc, iferr;
-       struct iovec iov;
-       struct iscsi_uevent *ev = iov_base;
+       struct iscsi_uevent *ev = iovp[0].iov_base;
        enum iscsi_uevent_e type = ev->type;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

-       iov.iov_base = iov_base;
-       iov.iov_len = iov_len;
-       rc = kwritev(type, &iov, 1);
+       rc = kwritev(type, iovp, count);

        do {
                if ((rc = nlpayload_read(ctrl_fd, (void*)ev,
@@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ ksendtargets(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t host_no, 
struct sockaddr *addr)
        int rc, addrlen;
        struct iscsi_uevent *ev;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -348,7 +349,9 @@ ksendtargets(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t host_no, 
struct sockaddr *addr)
        memcpy(setparam_buf + sizeof(*ev), addr, addrlen);

-       rc = __kipc_call(ev, sizeof(*ev) + addrlen);
+       iov.iov_base = ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(*ev) + addrlen;
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
        if (rc < 0) {
                log_error("sendtargets failed rc%d\n", rc);
                return rc;
@@ -363,6 +366,7 @@ kcreate_session(uint64_t transport_handle, uint64_t 
        int rc;
        struct iscsi_uevent ev;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -383,9 +387,11 @@ kcreate_session(uint64_t transport_handle, uint64_t 
                ev.u.c_bound_session.ep_handle = ep_handle;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(&ev, sizeof(ev))) < 0) {
+       iov.iov_base = &ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(ev);
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0)
                return rc;
-       }

        *hostno = ev.r.c_session_ret.host_no;
        *out_sid = ev.r.c_session_ret.sid;
@@ -398,6 +404,7 @@ kdestroy_session(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid)
        int rc;
        struct iscsi_uevent ev;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -407,9 +414,11 @@ kdestroy_session(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid)
        ev.transport_handle = transport_handle;
        ev.u.d_session.sid = sid;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(&ev, sizeof(ev))) < 0) {
+       iov.iov_base = &ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(ev);
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0)
                return rc;
-       }

        return 0;
@@ -419,6 +428,7 @@ kunbind_session(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid)
        int rc;
        struct iscsi_uevent ev;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -428,9 +438,11 @@ kunbind_session(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid)
        ev.transport_handle = transport_handle;
        ev.u.d_session.sid = sid;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(&ev, sizeof(ev))) < 0) {
+       iov.iov_base = &ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(ev);
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0)
                return rc;
-       }

        return 0;
@@ -441,6 +453,7 @@ kcreate_conn(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid,
        int rc;
        struct iscsi_uevent ev;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -451,7 +464,10 @@ kcreate_conn(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid,
        ev.u.c_conn.cid = cid;
        ev.u.c_conn.sid = sid;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(&ev, sizeof(ev))) < 0) {
+       iov.iov_base = &ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(ev);
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0) {
                log_debug(7, "returned %d", rc);
                return rc;
@@ -468,6 +484,7 @@ kdestroy_conn(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid)
        int rc;
        struct iscsi_uevent ev;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -478,9 +495,11 @@ kdestroy_conn(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid)
        ev.u.d_conn.sid = sid;
        ev.u.d_conn.cid = cid;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(&ev, sizeof(ev))) < 0) {
+       iov.iov_base = &ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(ev);
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0)
                return rc;
-       }

        return 0;
@@ -491,6 +510,7 @@ kbind_conn(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid,
        int rc;
        struct iscsi_uevent ev;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -503,9 +523,11 @@ kbind_conn(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid,
        ev.u.b_conn.transport_eph = transport_eph;
        ev.u.b_conn.is_leading = is_leading;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(&ev, sizeof(ev))) < 0) {
+       iov.iov_base = &ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(ev);
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0)
                return rc;
-       }

        *retcode = ev.r.retcode;

@@ -564,7 +586,8 @@ ksend_pdu_end(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid,
        iov.iov_base = xmitbuf;
        iov.iov_len = xmitlen;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(xmitbuf, xmitlen)) < 0)
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0)
                goto err;
        if (ev->r.retcode) {
                *retcode = ev->r.retcode;
@@ -594,6 +617,7 @@ kset_host_param(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t host_no,
        struct iscsi_uevent *ev;
        char *param_str;
        int rc, len;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -620,9 +644,11 @@ kset_host_param(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t 
        ev->u.set_host_param.len = len = strlen(param_str) + 1;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(ev, sizeof(*ev) + len)) < 0) {
+       iov.iov_base = ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(*ev) + len;
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0)
                return rc;
-       }

        return 0;
@@ -634,6 +660,7 @@ kset_param(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid,
        struct iscsi_uevent *ev;
        char *param_str;
        int rc, len;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -661,9 +688,11 @@ kset_param(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid,
        ev->u.set_param.len = len = strlen(param_str) + 1;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(ev, sizeof(*ev) + len)) < 0) {
+       iov.iov_base = ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(*ev) + len;
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0)
                return rc;
-       }

        return 0;
@@ -673,6 +702,7 @@ kstop_conn(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid, int flag)
        int rc;
        struct iscsi_uevent ev;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -684,9 +714,11 @@ kstop_conn(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid, int flag)
        ev.u.stop_conn.cid = cid;
        ev.u.stop_conn.flag = flag;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(&ev, sizeof(ev))) < 0) {
+       iov.iov_base = &ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(ev);
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0)
                return rc;
-       }

        return 0;
@@ -697,6 +729,7 @@ kstart_conn(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid,
        int rc;
        struct iscsi_uevent ev;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -707,9 +740,11 @@ kstart_conn(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid,
        ev.u.start_conn.sid = sid;
        ev.u.start_conn.cid = cid;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(&ev, sizeof(ev))) < 0) {
+       iov.iov_base = &ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(ev);
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0)
                return rc;
-       }

        *retcode = ev.r.retcode;
        return 0;
@@ -774,6 +809,7 @@ ktransport_ep_connect(iscsi_conn_t *conn, int non_blocking)
        int rc, addrlen;
        struct iscsi_uevent *ev;
        struct sockaddr *dst_addr = (struct sockaddr *)&conn->saddr;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -801,7 +837,10 @@ ktransport_ep_connect(iscsi_conn_t *conn, int non_blocking)
        memcpy(setparam_buf + sizeof(*ev), dst_addr, addrlen);

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(ev, sizeof(*ev) + addrlen)) < 0)
+       iov.iov_base = ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(*ev) + addrlen;
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0)
                return rc;

        if (!ev->r.ep_connect_ret.handle)
@@ -819,6 +858,7 @@ ktransport_ep_poll(iscsi_conn_t *conn, int timeout_ms)
        int rc;
        struct iscsi_uevent ev;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -829,7 +869,10 @@ ktransport_ep_poll(iscsi_conn_t *conn, int timeout_ms)
        ev.u.ep_poll.ep_handle  = conn->transport_ep_handle;
        ev.u.ep_poll.timeout_ms = timeout_ms;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(&ev, sizeof(ev))) < 0)
+       iov.iov_base = &ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(ev);
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0)
                return rc;

        return ev.r.retcode;
@@ -840,6 +883,7 @@ ktransport_ep_disconnect(iscsi_conn_t *conn)
        int rc;
        struct iscsi_uevent ev;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -852,7 +896,10 @@ ktransport_ep_disconnect(iscsi_conn_t *conn)
        ev.transport_handle = conn->session->t->handle;
        ev.u.ep_disconnect.ep_handle = conn->transport_ep_handle;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(&ev, sizeof(ev))) < 0) {
+       iov.iov_base = &ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(ev);
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0) {
                log_error("connnection %d:%d transport disconnect failed for "
                          "ep %" PRIu64 " with error %d.", conn->session->id,
                          conn->id, conn->transport_ep_handle, rc);
@@ -869,6 +916,7 @@ kget_stats(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid,
        struct iscsi_uevent ev;
        char nlm_ev[NLMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct iscsi_uevent))];
        struct nlmsghdr *nlh;
+       struct iovec iov;

        log_debug(7, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);

@@ -879,9 +927,11 @@ kget_stats(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid,
        ev.u.get_stats.sid = sid;
        ev.u.get_stats.cid = cid;

-       if ((rc = __kipc_call(&ev, sizeof(ev))) < 0) {
+       iov.iov_base = &ev;
+       iov.iov_len = sizeof(ev);
+       rc = __kipc_call(&iov, 1);
+       if (rc < 0)
                return rc;
-       }

        if ((rc = nl_read(ctrl_fd, nlm_ev,
                NLMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct iscsi_uevent)), MSG_PEEK)) < 0) {
@@ -907,6 +957,40 @@ kget_stats(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t sid, 
uint32_t cid,
        return 0;

+static int
+kset_net_config(uint64_t transport_handle, uint32_t host_no,
+               char *cfg_buf, uint32_t param_count)
+       struct iscsi_uevent ev;
+       int rc, ev_len, msg_length;
+       struct iovec iov[2];
+       log_debug(8, "in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+       ev_len = sizeof(ev);
+       ev.type = ISCSI_UEVENT_SET_NET_CONFIG;
+       ev.transport_handle = transport_handle;
+       ev.u.set_net_config.host_no = host_no;
+       ev.u.set_net_config.count = param_count;
+       msg_length = param_count * sizeof(struct iscsi_net_param);
+       if (msg_length > (NLM_SETNETPARAM_DEFAULT_MAX - ev_len)) {
+               log_error("invalid length %d\n", msg_length);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       iov[0].iov_base = &ev;
+       iov[0].iov_len = ev_len;
+       iov[1].iov_base = cfg_buf;
+       iov[1].iov_len = msg_length;
+       rc = __kipc_call(iov, 2);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               return rc;
+       return 0;
 static void drop_data(struct nlmsghdr *nlh)
        int ev_size;
@@ -1151,6 +1235,7 @@ struct iscsi_ipc nl_ipc = {
        .read                   = kread,
        .recv_pdu_begin         = krecv_pdu_begin,
        .recv_pdu_end           = krecv_pdu_end,
+       .set_net_config         = kset_net_config,
 struct iscsi_ipc *ipc = &nl_ipc;


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