On 12/01/2011 08:57 PM, Eddie Wai wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-12-01 at 16:32 -0800, Mike Christie wrote:
>> On 12/01/2011 04:46 PM, Eddie Wai wrote:
>>> Hello Mike,
>>> I found that although the new iface additions of gateway/subnet/etc. are
>>> now present in the iface file in rhel6.2 inbox open-iscsi util, however,
>>> the particular parameters are not being passed to iscsiuio upon
>>> connection request.
>>> The problem looks to be related to the iface_rec inside the node_rec
>> Do you mean the structs in the program or the recs stored in the db?
> I mean the iface_rec content inside the node_recs.
>>> only contains the previously defined fields and not the entire iface
>>> fields.  Unfortunately for us, iscsiuio only gets the iface_rec from the
>>> node_rec and not the iface_rec directly from the database...
>> How does it do this? By running commands to seach the db or are you
>> saying iscsid passes it to iscsiuio through the socket?
> During when iscsid passes it to iscsiuio through the socket via the
> template->set_net_config call on the connect request path.
>>> I also notice that any changes to those new iface parameters via the
>>> iface -o update would fail to update the node due to the same reason.  I
>> Yeah, it fails because are you logged into a session using them if I
>> understand you right.
> Not connected in this case.  Although the iface file itself does get the
> change, but because the idbm_recinfo_node doesn't have the field
> defined, it errors out like this:
>  iscsiadm -m iface -I bnx2i-eth0 -n iface.mtu -v 1500 -o update
> iscsiadm: Cannot modify iface.mtu. Invalid param name.
> iscsiadm: Could not update iface bnx2i-eth0: invalid parameter

Ah, I see what you are saying. Send the patch you were thinking of.

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