>>> Christian Seiler <christ...@iwakd.de> schrieb am 29.05.2015 um 12:43 in
Nachricht <556842d3.8070...@iwakd.de>:
> On 05/29/2015 08:19 AM, Ulrich Windl wrote:
>> Some remarks on the CFLAGS thing:
>> In one of my projects I used this approach for messing with CFLAGS:
>> --
>> CFLAGS=-pthread
>> CWARNFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -Wshadow
>> COPTFLAGS=-pipe -O2
>> CDEBUGFLAGS=-g -fstack-protector-all
>> LDFLAGS=-lpthread -lrt
>> --
>> It's somewhat GNU-makish, but you can easily switch CFLAGS by
>> (un)commenting some of the "CFLAGS+=" lines.
>> [...]
>> So my CFLAGS are the absolute minimum required for a correct compile,
>> and everything else are extras.
> The code you posted has the opposite effect of what my patch wants to
> achieve. There appears to be some confusion as to the purpose of my
> patch, so maybe I should go a bit into detail about what the point here
> is.

I'm not sure. Also I was posting an idea rather than concrete code.

> When compiling software, either for distributions that want to create a
> package from it, or for end users that want to call it, one will often
> want to set some global compiler and linker flags to influence package
> build.
>  - Sometimes you need to debug something and disable optimization for
>    that. Then you might need want to rebuild a package with a different
>    -O level than the package typically has. Of course, one can
>    tediously look at the means that different software provides to do
>    so (if at all) - or one can just assume that setting CFLAGS="-O0"
>    before running configure / make will do the trick.

Yes, but someone could also define `CC="gcc -O0"' and it might work. My 
proposal was mostly _against_ such misusing of flags. Also, you cannot easily 
_add_ flags to the existing set of flags. My proposal makes it  somewhat easier 
at least.

>  - When compiling with a compiler other than gcc, you might need to add
>    some flags in order to make it work.

See above.

>  - There is a goal to harden as much software as possible in Debian, so
>    there's a recommendation that things like -fstack-protector-strong
>    are to be used (unless the software doesn't work otherwise).

IMHO this is useful for the developer to fix his/her bugs, but for production 
systems it will just make software bigger and slower.

> It has long been standard practice among open source projects that if
> external CC, CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, LDFLAGS, ... are supplied when
> building, those flags will influence the build. So what one typically
> does is partition the CFLAGS into to sets: those required for
> compilation (such as -pthread) and a default set of flags if no
> external ones are specified.


> For example, if you use a default autoconf + automake setup, these will
> typically set -O2 -g as the default set of flags (if on gcc and the
> compiler supports -g). But if one does
> CFLAGS="-sometingelse" ./configure
> or
> ./configure CFLAGS="-sometingelse"
> it will use -somethingelse instead of -O2 -g. Same thing with the other
> environment variables.
> And those flags that are required to make the package compile should
> simply be added to the current set of flags. In a standard autoconf and
> automake setup, you can do it in configure.ac along the
> lines of:
> CFLAGS+=" -additional-flags"

This may solve one of the problems described above.

> (Of course, checking that the compiler supports your flag is always
> better, there is a macro for that; and things like pthread actually
> have a standardized macro that do that automatically.)
> Alternatively, you can set it directly in Makefile.am via
> AM_CFLAGS = -additional-flags
> which will automatically be added to the list of flags.

With all these solutions we have the problem that the user who compile 
(configres) the software has to be kind of an expert to know al the flags and 
syntaxes. You probably are such an expert. I don't know all of these.

> Since this is somewhat standardized, this has the great advantage that
> you don't need to invest time into figuring out how each different
> piece of software requires to change its own build flags. If you
> package things for your distribution, there are often a lot of
> automatisms that use this mechanism to provide set default set of
> flags - and you don't have to do anything for all these things to just
> work[tm]. But if a package doesn't do it the standard way, then you
> have to work around all these sorts of things.
> But your piece of code goes even further than than a custom mechanism:
> it doesn't provide a way to influence CFLAGS externally at all! With a

As I said: This is part of a project I created and I simply had no necessity to 
incluence the flags from outside the Makefile.

> custom mechanism, you can figure it out (both as a user that wants
> to compile it as well as a packager) and then use it. But if you
> hard-code CFLAGS = ... in your Makefile (as per your example), one
> actually needs to patch the software to achieve this goal.
> Now what is the state of open-iscsi's current git?
>  - There's a custom mechanism for setting CFLAGS by the way of a
>    variable named OPTFLAGS. It mostly works, with a couple of
>    excpetions:
>       - OPTFLAGS is not properly respected in utils/sysdeps/Makefile
>         because while it's referenced there, -O2 and -g are appended in
>         all cases.
>       - OPTFLAGS is not properly respected for the compilation of
>         iscsiuio for two reasons:
>             - iscsiuio/configure.ac explicitly overrides CFLAGS
>             - top-level Makefile doesn't pass CFLAGS="$(OPTFLAGS)" to
>               iscsiuio's configure statement (as it does with
>               open-isns)
>  - LDFLAGS are not used in the implicit linker rules for the binaries,
>    thus not being honored if set (open-iscsi doesn't need any custom
>    ones here)
>  - other variables, such as CPPFLAGS and CC are indeed honored, because
>    open-iscsi uses implicit rules for its iscsid etc. code and automake
>    for open-isns + iscsiui. And there it automatically works without
>    any changes.
> What does my patch now do?
>  - We don't want to get rid of OPTFLAGS completely just now, because it
>    might still be used by some automated packaging scripts. So have it
>    override the default CFLAGS if set, but completely disregard it if
>    unset. Put it only in the top-level Makefile, so it may be removed
>    at some point in the future.
>  - In the Makefile, if CFLAGS has been set, export it so that both
>    configure commands actually use it. Remove the direct
>    CFLAGS="$(OPTFLAGS)" call to the first configure command. Used like
>    this, the default gets used if nothing is set (previously, open-isns
>    would have empty CFLAGS by default because of this).
>  - Fix iscsiuio/configure.ac to not override CFLAGS but to just have a
>    default.
>  - In usr/Makefile, utils/Makefile, utils/*/Makefile use the following
>    pattern:
>       CFLAGS ?= default flags that might be overridden
>                 (mainly -O2 -g)
>       CFLAGS += always used flags
>  - In usr/Makefile, since it uses explicit rules for linking, add
>    LDFLAGS here.
> Then you can do things like:
> CFLAGS="-O2" make clean all
> CFLAGS="-O2 -g" make clean all
> CFLAGS="-O0 -g" make clean all
> and the flags will affect compilation.
> I hope that makes it a lot clearer as to the reasoning behind this
> patch.

I also hope you got what I tried to say.

>> And if you need "defines" they should go to CPPFLAGS.
> Yes, in principle you are right here - defines and includes should go
> to CPPFLAGS, the rest into CFLAGS. On the other hand, that doesn't
> really affect functionality, and I didn't want to completely rewrite
> the entire build system here.



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