On Wed, 18 Mar 2009, Abdelkader El mastour wrote:


You have Arla clients?

Openafs 1.4.5 via pkgsrc
replicated root.afs & root.cell RO
1000 user per server

10 servers for fileserver.

2 servers for vlserver and ptserver

This is not good. I've recently run some tests with 2 DB-servers, and
operation is not optimal. It can take them longer than necessary to determine the sync site. 3 servers is pretty much ideal, but even a single server works smoother than 2 IMHO.

Our users have been experiencing some major lag accessing afs .
It all began when we had an hardware problem with one of our afs servers
(afs-1),accessing afs was laggy for every user on the server
so we decided to move every one of them from this server to one of the nine
we shutdown the broken server take it off the listaddrs list and restart the
vlserver instance.
The slowdown continues..

We turned on the afs-1 server again  but without lunch any afs services and
then no more lags accesing afs.
Since then we've had to shutdown afs-1 ,took it off the listaddrs ,and lags
are back.
Note#1 : afs servers are up since a year and we've never exeperienced any
issue before.
Note#2 : bos status and sysstat doesnt reveal any issue .
Any guess about the reasons for lags ?

I presume afs-1 was NOT one of your DB servers. If it is, CellServDB would be the place to start.

There may be problems with replicated volumes. root.cell should be cached at
all times (are there frequent vos release's?) but who knows...

On afflicted clients, try vos checkv.

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