On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 09:49:44AM +0100, Douglas Hunter wrote:
> Hello,
> I have just installed, then updated 5.7 amd64, using cvs to gather and build a
> patch branch GENERIC.MP kernel, Userland and Xenocara. I am left with 97% of
> my 2GB /usr partition full.
> Is this the optimal endpoint or is there a cleaning step for freeing up space?
> I'm wondering if these newly built files are
> 1. actively running this system
> 2. serving as reference points for the cvs update checks
> 3. going to speed up future builds by reducing the amount needing fetched or
> 4. simply occupying space.


Builds of userland are stored in /usr/obj.
Builds of xenocara are place in a separate structure: /usr/xobj. 

If you used automatic partition allocation, /usr/obj is a separate filesystem
while /usr/xobj is not.      

Object files are not deleted automatically as they are used to build -stable 
filesets, if you build releases for use on multiple systems.
If you only have the single amd64 machine, you may safely clear the object
contents of both directory structures after a successful build.
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