On Thu, Oct 01, 2015 at 10:29:44PM BST, Douglas Hunter wrote:

Hi Douglas,

> Running the application “script” on tty00 I noticed that it did not
> record the 'blue line-background, white lettered' text but only the
> more common 'off-white' colored text.

Given your description, I take it that you actually meant ttyC0 ;^)

It looks like you are confusing two things here: virtual terminal(s) -
sometimes referred to as console(s) - and *the* console (/dev/console);
as it is the output from both of those devices that you see when on your

'script' only makes a typescript of everything that's printed on the
terminal. What you describe as 'blue line-background, white lettered'
text is sent to /dev/console.

> First is it possible to record all the text displayed on tty00 ?

I'm sure it's doable - nothing off the top of my head, though. Read:
I've never done it myself.

> Second is it worthwhile doing this? 

Text displayed on ttyC0 and console are not in any way related. Why
would you want that?


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