On 2015-09-28, Douglas Hunter <douglas.hun...@spiug.me.uk> wrote:
> the switching is there but no sound is reaching the usb card
> "in your case rsnd/1. This can be 
> set in rc.conf.local: 'sndiod_flags=-f rsnd/1' then restart sndiod 
> '/etc/rc.d/sndiod restart'."
> testing this I used ogg123 to play the song for openbasd 5.7
> using "rsnd/0" or "rsnd" and restarting sndiod each time, plays the song fine
> from the onboard azalia sound output. 
> using "rsnd/1" and resetting goes well but ogg123 freezes upon attempting to
> buffer for playback and an error message appears on the primary console
> "uaudio_chan_open : error creating pipe : INVAL endpt=0x01"
> resetting sndiod ends the ogg123 action returning it to a command prompt
> any suggestions?

> I have pointed audio, mixer, mixerctl and sound in /dev/ as below so mixerctl
> now points to the usb card.
> cd /dev/
> ./MAKEDEV audio1
> rm audio sound mixer mixerctl
> ln -s audio1 audio
> ln -s sound1 sound
> ln -s mixer1 mixer
> ln -s mixerctl1 mixerctl
> this is information I found from a post about how to get a usb card 
> recognised.
> http://daemonforums.org/showpost.php?s=f7c88180485541dd144b8566dbb23481&p=836&postcount=10
> it works fine for getting the card recognised by mixer but currently no sound
> outputing from the usb card.

That old post is pre-sndiod, the recommended way is to point sndiod at
the correct device as I showed. I'd remove those new links and reinstate
the originals to the '0' devices (ln -s audio0 audio, etc).

The attempt with sndiod -f rsnd/1 was correctly trying to use the USB
audio device, but it was failing to send audio to it. 

I'd write this up in a mail to bugs@ asking for advice. Include the *full*
output from dmesg and 'lsusb -v' (install the usbutils package for 'lsusb',
and don't worry about the email being long, it's a lot easier to debug when
as much information as possible is collected in one email). It would also
be worth stopping sndiod (/etc/rc.d/sndiod stop), running it manually with
debug (sndiod -f rsnd/1 -d) and including output from that too.

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