Interesting!   I will read it through tomorrow, the rest of my today
seems eaten by other stuff...

I am not surprised that PCA stinks as a classifier...

Regarding "hidden multivariate logistic regression", as you hint at
the end of your document ... it seems you are gradually inching toward
my suggestion of using neural nets here...

My most recent suggestion to Ruiting has been to explore the following
code/algorithm, which  looks like a nicer way of finding word2vec
style condensed representations for multiple senses of words,

The only code I could find for this is in Julia

but looks not that complicated....    We would need to modify that
Julia code to work on the data from the MST parses rather than on word
sequences like it now does...

However, we haven't gotten to experimenting with that yet, because are
still getting stuck with weird Guile problems in trying to get the MST
parsing done ... we (Curtis) can get through MST-parsing maybe
800-1500 sentences before it crashes (and it doesn't crash when
examined with GDB, which is frustrating...)....

-- Ben

On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 3:30 PM, Linas Vepstas <> wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> Here's this week's update on results from the natural language datasets. In
> short, the datasets seem to be of high quality, based on a sampling of the
> cosine similarity between words. Looks really nice.
> Naive PCA stinks as a classifier; I'm looking for something nicer, and
> perhaps based on first principles, and a bit less ad-hoc.
> Since you had the guts to use the words "algebraic topology" in a recent
> email, I call your bluff and raise: this report includes a brief, short
> sketch that points out that every language, natural or otherwise, has an
> associated cohomology theory. The path, from here to there, goes by means of
> sheaves. Which is semi-obvious because every book on algebraic topology or
> at least differential topology explains the steps.
> The part that's new, to me, was the sudden realization that the "disjuncts"
> and "connector sets" of Link Grammar are in fact just the sheaves (germs,
> stalks) of a graph.  The Link Grammar dictionary, say, for the English
> language, is a sheaf with a probability distribution on it.
> BTW, this clarifies why Link Grammar looks so damned modal-logic-ish. I
> noticed this a long ago, and always thought it was mysterious and weird and
> interesting. Well, it turns out that, for some folks, this is old news:
> apparently, when the language is first-order logic, then the sheafification
> of first-order logic gives you Kripke-Joyal semantics; this was spotted in
> 1965.  So I'm guessing that this is generic: take any language, any formal
> language, or a natural language, look at it from the point of sheaves, and
> then observe that the gluing axioms mean that modal logic describes how the
> sections glue together.  I think that's pretty cool.
> So, can you find a grad student to work out the details? The thesis title
> would be "the Cohomology of the English Language". It would fill in all the
> details in the above paragraphs.
> --linas
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Ben Goertzel, PhD

"I am God! I am nothing, I'm play, I am freedom, I am life. I am the
boundary, I am the peak." -- Alexander Scriabin

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