On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 9:47 PM, 'Nil Geisweiller' via opencog <
opencog@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> On 02/03/2018 06:29 AM, Ben Goertzel wrote:
>> Nil, what are your thoughts on
>> https://github.com/opencog/atomspace/issues/1502
>> ?
> I seem to agree, however I don't think SetLink should be banished, instead
> it should probably be parsimoniously used, when for instance the user/agent
> wants to represent an immutable concept, probably a small one.


> Although, I've been thinking why not replace, at least underneath,
> ListLink by ConsLinks (and perhaps SetLink by SetConsLinks)? This would
> solve the arity limit on the persistent storage side. For instance
> List A B C
> would be represented by
> Cons A
>   Cons B
>     Cons C
>       List
> and
> Set A B C
> by
> SetCons A ...
> not sure how to deal with the canonical ordering, I suppose the user/agent
> would enter a tree of SetCons in any order, and the AtomSpace may
> automatically re-order it.

OK, this is actually a major unsolved problem for the atomspace.  We need
the ability to create ordered lists of things, and the ability to edit
those ordered lists.  Currently, this is extremely difficult verging on
impossible.  And I have no answer for it, either.

The problem with

Cons A
  Cons B
    Cons C

is that, if I want do remove C from the sequence, I'd have to first: delete
Cons A then delete Cons B Then delete Cons C then recreate Cons B  (without
the C under it, this time)  and then recreate Cons A.  Ugh.  Lots of work,
and it's begging for a race condition.

Worse, if Cons A has a non-empty incoming set, then it cannot be deleted
without clearing out the incoming set first. Which might be impossible.  In
essence its quick-setting concrete, and you need a jackhammer to "fix it".

Huh. Can I coin a new saying?   "fix it with a jackhammer"



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