No, it does work such that the OpenDX server creates an X11 window and then the GUI attaches itself to it. The server and the GUI talk to the same X window by setting up callbacks on the one X window. Can you run dx in script mode and get an x window to pop up on your local system?


Hi Marilyn, Brent & others,

Thanks you for your responses.

 Do you need to ssh -X to enable X data through from the server, or
 an xhosts + to let the workstation display X data from a remote

Yes, I made sure X11 forwarding is enabled.  I ran xterm to check it.
So this is not the problem.

I am not sure that OpenDX works that way: that the OpenDX server opens
a regular X11 window.  I suspect that the server communicates with the
GUI, and GUI is responsible for displaying the image.  I think that
way, because when I ran my program the GUI opened a black window for
an image.  The window remained open after I killed the server.


David L. Thompson                   Visualization and Imagery Solutions, Inc.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    5515 Skyway Drive, Missoula, MT 59804
                                    Phone : (406)756-7472

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