*Dear **openEHR community member*,

Learn more about the opportunities and challenges of openEHR!
The openEHR Foundation <https://www.openehr.org/home> is hosting two events exploring the opportunities and challenges of openEHR. The events will take place:

 * Helsinki on Tuesday, March 20th, Kilta-sali, Lapinrinne 1 -
 * Stockholm on Wednesday, March 21st, Royal Viking, Vasagatan 1



http://go.marand.com/l/149541/2018-02-14/3jm981/149541/42738/banner_openEHR_mar18.jpg <http://go.marand.com/e/149541/-2017-05-openEHR-LP-event-html/3k6knp/201605402>



Over the past years, openEHR solutions with a multivendor environment built on an open and agile architecture proved to be a successful approach to managing electronic healthcare records at any scale. There are now signficant cases validating the vendor-neutral data concept. Speaking sessions will provide an introduction to openEHR for novices, along with guests talking about their experiences with openEHR, its implementation, scale of the opportunity, and vision for its capabilities to facilitate interoperability in healthcare and welfare IT.

Please register via registration link below. Event participation is free of charge.



*Agenda for both events:*



08:30: /Registration and coffee/

09:00: /Welcome speech/: Tomaž Gornik co-chair openEHR Foundation

09:10:/The Postmodern EHR/, Tomaž Gornik, co-chair openEHR Foundation

09:50: /Power of Open Datamodels and Ecosystems/, Kimmo Alaniska and Christina Petrescu, Tieto

10:30: Use Case PasientSky: /Norway building a next generation cloud-based primary care system/, John Creed, CEO, PasientSky

11:00: /Coffee break/

11:30: Use Case: /HiGHmed/, Univ Prof. Dr. Björn Bergh, Head of Medical Informatics, Heidelberg University

12:00: Use Case Eurotransplant: /CORE: Future-proof architecture based on openEHR/, Wouter Zanen, Program Manager, Netherlands

12:20: Use Case: /Children’s hospital Ljubljana: Journey to a paperless hospital – HIMSS EMRAM Stage 6/, Ljubljana, Dr Gorazd Kalan, Head of PICU, Children’s hospital Ljubljana

12:40: Use Case: To be defined

13:00: Lunch

14:00: /Introduction to Archetypes Modelling/, Silje Ljosland Bakke, Nasjonal IKT, Norway

14:20: /Clinician Engagement and Archetype Governance: Norwegian experience/, Silje Ljosland Bakke, Nasjonal IKT, Norway

14:40: o/penEHR Platforms, Tools and Applications/, Tomaz Gornik, co-chair openEHR Foundation, CEO of Marand

15:15: /Coffee break/

15:45: /Panel Discussion/

16:30: /Networking Drinks/



*Get your FREE ticket now!*




The event will also provide plenty of networking opportunities.

A warm welcome to all!



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