I would be interested to see a) developer code for a 100 event time series of BP with no dedicated structures, just hierarchy + SNOMED and b) a query to find systolic BPs over 165 that persist for more than 10 mins in that same series. They're both doable, but they will be harder.

- thomas

On 01/09/2016 03:20, Bert Verhees wrote:
Thank you for your reply, Diego.

But it does not solve the problem I see: the problem of redundant information.

We are stating in an archetype that we are doing an observation on blood pressure, and we state that again using SNOMED and LOINC. LOINC to define the observation and SNOMED to support the observation-result-definition.

As I am informed, that is the way interoperability is going. I don't understand the usefulness of the the observation-entry-type as defined in OpenEHR from this point of view.

Except from redundancy, there may also be a problem of not using the potential of SNOMED.

I am not sure about all this, but maybe there is also, when used a more generic solution, advantage when querying. When knowing the path to a SNOMED or LOINC coding, then hierarchical querying over AQL becomes possible.

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