In recent months I've had some discussions with Dan Vreeman at Regenstrief
about the need to be able to group or aggregate "clinically equivalent"
LOINC codes (however "clinically equivalent" is defined - mol and mass is
one obvious case).  The original impetus for our discussion isn't being
pursued on my end at the moment, but Dan did say that Regenstrief is
embarking on an effort of their own to develop the capability for doing
something like this.  I am sure that they would be interested in hearing
about use cases that are being identified that need this capability (and
also about anyone with an interest in helping them with getting the work


On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 6:23 AM, Wouter Zanen <>

> The use case discussed was our use case. All that has been explained makes
> perfect sense from a lab perspective (Mol and Mass are different test),
> however in our use case we do need to aggregate them.
> In our case it is allowed to report have for example createnine in both
> mg/dl and mmol/l, in the software application it will be one field with a
> choice for the unit, we receive info from multiple labs in europe). We are
> also looking for the possibility for electronic exchange of HL7v2 messages
> in the future. We use the lab test observation (inlcuding specimem
> details)  and lab test panel to record the test result. We try to bind with
> both SNOMED and LOINC (being flexible), on a template level I see only two
> solutions:
> I now see two options:
>    - Either we don't bind to LOINC and MAP Loinc codes in the mapping
>    software we inevitable are going to need to process the HL7V2 message.
>    Result is one archetype with both mol and mass units.
>    - Or we invent a testfinding container archetype (Called Creatinine
>    that binds to Snomed) and under that we have two test panel archetypes for
>     Mol and Mass. This makes building the app more difficult but at least we
>    know the composition is related to Createnine.
> Currently we prefer solution 1.
> Best regards,
> Wouter Zanen
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> >>> Ian McNicoll <> 16/02/2017 11:04 >>>
> Helpful but do rely on having some fairly sophisticated terminology
> services and available mappings.
> We should keep this dialogue going as we will be working in a mixed loinc
> snomed environment in a uk project.
> Ian
> On Thu, 16 Feb 2017 at 09:38, Bert Verhees <> wrote:
>> Very well thought out guidelines in the second part. Will be helpful in
>> the discussion
>> Thanks
>> Bert
>> Op do 16 feb. 2017 om 10:07 schreef Ian McNicoll <>:
>> This was helpful but still implies that some sort of terminology service
>> is required
>> LOINC_SNOMED_EHR_October_2015_Final.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=
>> 1446571187000&api=v2
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