
What is needed are several scenario's or use cases.

I think we need those for two situations at least:
- within an organisation
- between organisations

And then we need to take into account variations in possible architectures.
? With or without an Authorisation server
? The situation where information is polled from a system containing all
possible information
? The situation where information is published from a system containing all

Without a series of accepted restrictions the problem will be intractable.
(N persons, O Roles, P Participations, Q types of information, R exceptions
and S Contexts)


On 2003-04-25 21:53, "Thomas Beale" <thomas at deepthought.com.au> wrote:

> Hi Bill,
> good questions....
> Security has been thought about, and is still being thought about!
> Essentially there are a number of aspects:
> A - what is the model of access control - the main problem here is
> different definitions of roles in different "bricks-and-mortar"
> institutions at which the one patient might appear (I shouldn't really
> say bricks-and-mortar, since we include emergency health workers, social
> workers, mobile nurses etc)
> B - what is needed in the EHR architecture (i.e. what we call the
> "openEHR reference models") to support security/privacy requirements?
> What is the granularity of privacy control required
> C - how is information to be protected when it moves?
> D - the related issues of encryption, notarising (for legal protection
> or investigation of previous clinical acts)
> E - who sets the privacy settings which control how secure access occurs
> at runtime?
> We have not yet written a comprehensive document on this. However, we
> think we know a fair few things, mainly based on the ideas of other
> people. Work has been done at the DSTC in Australia on many aspects of
> security, including a national PKI proposal. Bernd Blobel has probably
> described security and health information in the most detail that I know
> of, in his various papers and recent book. The US GCPR project probably
> made more progress on security in the CPR than it did elsewhere.
> So. What do we know?
> - role-based access control is required. To make it work properly in a
> shared care community context (e.g. a hospital, 50 GPs, aged care homes,
> nursing care, social workers etc etc) then the roles need to be defined
> congruently. I seem to remember some Canadian project coming to the
> conclusion that really the roles need to be defined the same across the
> entire (national) health care system. I think this is both correct and a
> the same time unrealistic. I think we will be able to find ways of
> having diversely defined roles without every health care facility having
> incompatible definitions of "consultant", "treating physician" etc.
> Bernd's work on this area is pretty detailed.
> - the EHR architecture does not need too much complexity added to
> support consent-based secure access. We currently think it needs to have
> the ability to store something like 'sensitivity' and access control
> group id(s) at each 'significant' (i.e. not the smallest) node, the
> lowest being the openEHR Entry.  The access control groups will
> themselves be defined in their own service.
> - when the decision is being made at runtime to grant or deny access to
> a certain part of the EHR to a certain user, the user role (already
> authenticated etc etc) and access group ids in the piece of EHR
> requested are compared to the access group definitions. Further, some
> way of establishing _relevance_ of this user accessing that bit of the
> EHR is required - i.e. the link between the patient and the user who is
> a treating physician, or on a team providing care. Other users who are
> not providing care would probably be treated differently. Certificates
> would be created if access is granted; these might be time-limited
> (again I think Bernd has experience in time-limited access); they might
> be more like keys if we are talking about sending the data outside the
> secure environment in the form of an encrypted extract.
> - the patient or competent guardian must be the setter of consent, but
> most likely with the professional advice of the physician.
> - the problem of what categories or ways a patient could set consent is
> hard to define - I don't think anyone has worked it out. If a patient
> wants to say "exclude family from access to my mental health EHR items"
> - which items are "mental health"? Some obviously are, but if other
> mundane items are useful to mental health clinical professionals, do we
> exclude them or not? Or.... do we allow the patient to set consent just
> on individual items? THis will not be realistic for most patients - they
> would have to trawl the record after every addition setting consent all
> over the place. Could it be set on the basis of problem? How does
> "exclude all users except treating physicians from accessing HIV/ADIS
> information". WHat information is HIV/AIDS related? Certain drug
> prescriptions clearly are, but so are certain patterns of common
> infections; a medically competent user could identify a person suffering
> AIDS even if the obvious items were blocked.
> Philippe Ameline, the producer of the Odyssee product has some really
> interesting ideas in this area - patients set traffic light colours in a
> dartboard representing access control to each unit of the record.
> - I think notarising is relatively easy to solve technically - just a
> case of working out a scheme whcih works in a distributed environment.
> Hashes need to be generated for each item and sent to a trusted third
> party notary service.
> Audit trails are taken care of inside the architecture - have a look at
> the definition of the classes Transaction (EHR RM), Entry (EHR RM), and
> the change control classes (COmmon RM). All relevant party ids, dates,
> times and locations are recorded (or so we believe!).
> - thomas beale
> Bill Walton wrote:
>> Sam,
>> Thanks much for sending that along.  I haven't made my way through all
>> the examples yet, but I like where you're going.  A few questions /
>> comments if you don't mind.
>> First, and perhaps you consider this a seperate issue that's out of
>> scope for Access Control, but what about Audit Trails?  In addition to
>> the choices / decisions you summarize on Page 3, I believe there's a
>> key question the system needs to be able to answer: "Who has had what
>> access to my records?"   To answer this question it looks to me like
>> the system needs to maintain two types of information: 1) a history of
>> the changes to the Access Control List, and 2) a history of accesses
>> to the EHR itself.  Further, it looks like the EHR access history
>> should include reads as well as writes.  That way, the trail would
>> lead to the providers that have, with permission, made copies of the
>> EHR within their own systems.
>> This is tied to the first question I think, but how does the system
>> deal with the needs of Consulting Physicians and Researchers who are
>> not going to provide care, but may need read access to the full
>> record?  If I read this correctly, the mechanism controls what
>> information can be accessed, but not the type of access permitted
>> (i.e., read vs. write).
>> How do Emergency medicine providers get access to the records?  It
>> looks like there needs to be an override to allow the timely delivery
>> of service in Emergency situations.  It would seem to me that the
>> existence of the Audit Trails above might calm fears of inappropriate
>> access.
>> Related to all of the above, it seems like there are probably a number
>> of circumstances that would require that the control of the Access
>> Control list itself be capable of being over-ridden or delegated.  It
>> looks to me like, as currently defined, the only roles that could
>> grant access would be the patient and Next of Kin roles.  But assume,
>> for example, that a patient is hospitalized, needs a test performed
>> that can't be performed in the facility, and has designated a Next of
>> Kin that's not present.  Perhaps it's just a difference between our
>> systems, but in the U.S. I can imagine a need to delegate the right to
>> change the Access Control list without delegating some of the other
>> decisions (e.g., "pull the plug") that are associated with Next of Kin
>> here.  Again, as long as the Audit Trails are in place it seems that
>> fears of inappropriate access might be effectively balanced against
>> the needs of providers re: access to the records for the purpose of
>> delivering the appropriate care.  Or perhaps I'm misunderstanding the
>> Next of Kin role.
>> What's an EPR, what's in it, and what, if any, information overlap
>> does it have with an associated EHR?  You introduce EPR in the first
>> example, but there's no definition provided and no reference to an
>> external source.
>> This is a really interesting problem space to me.  I've been studying
>> HIPAA (the Health care Information Portability and Accountability Act)
>> and have become fascinated with the discussion over how best to
>> balance the needs of the various parties involved in the provision and
>> payment of healthcare services so as to improve the quality and
>> decrease the cost of health care here in the U.S..  Talk about a
>> non-trivial problem!  Interestingly, it looks to me like all
>> the nonsense can be traced back to the health record and some
>> fundamental questions about who owns it, who controls access to it,
>> etc.  Thanks again for sharing.  Hope to hear from you soon.
>> Best regards,
>> Bill
>>     ----- Original Message -----
>>     From: Sam Heard <mailto:sam.heard at bigpond.com>
>>     To: Bill Walton <mailto:bill.walton at jstats.com> ;
>>     openehr-technical at openehr.org <mailto:openehr-technical at 
>> openehr.org>
>>     Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 6:10 PM
>>     Subject: RE: openEHR security
>>     Bill
>>     Security and the EHR - ah theres a question! At least having a
>>     reference model of the EHR makes this something that might be
>>     tackled effectively. The current openEHR model has and access
>>     control feature on ARCHETYPED in the Common Reference Model. The
>>     idea being that anything that can be archetyped - that is, it is a
>>     coherent clinical composition or concept - can have its access
>>     controlled.
>>     It is envisaged that the EHR will have an access control list
>>     which can be transfered to other centres as part of an extract if
>>     required. This requires standardisation of access control groups.
>>     We have done some work in Australia to get a set of access groups
>>     that could be standardised across health care and I enclose a copy
>>     of this document for your consideration.
>>     Hope this is a start - very interested to work with you on this!
>>     Cheers, Sam
>>         -----Original Message-----
>>         From: owner-openehr-technical at openehr.org
>>         [mailto:owner-openehr-technical at openehr.org]On Behalf Of Bill
>>         Walton
>>         Sent: Thursday, 24 April 2003 7:36 AM
>>         To: openehr-technical at openehr.org
>>         Subject: openEHR security
>>         I apologize for not having had the time to dig in and find
>>         this out for myself yet, but I'd really appreciate it if
>>         someone could tell me if security has been addressed in the
>>         openEHR architecture and, if so, point me to the
>>         documentation.  I'm trying to understand the system's
>>         capabilities to limit access not only to authorized
>>         individuals, but also to limit the access of authorized
>>         individuals to specific subsets of an individual's record.
>>         Thanks in advance for showing me where to dig.
>>         Best regards
>>         Bill

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