Dear Sam,

When a Template is shared by to communicating parties we will have to  
record this in the EHR.
This is because this is the Information part of the "contract" the  
communicating parties have. It is one that pertains to their  
When the Template is used to store information I consider this a  
"contract" as well.

The Template either has an ID or is identified by the tree of  
constituting archetypes.

Gerard Freriks

Gerard Freriks, MD
Convenor CEN/TC251 WG1

TNO Quality of Life
Wassenaarseweg 56

PostBox 2215
22301CE Leiden
The Netherlands

T: +31 71 5181388
M: +31 654 792800

On 20-okt-2005, at 9:55, Sam Heard wrote:

> Dear All,
> We have been discussing the issue of templates and whether we keep  
> an identifier of a template in the data. My concern has been that  
> this ID might be seen as an absolute constraint on the data,  
> whereas the precedence of constraint must be:
> The data must conform to the reference model
> The data must conform to the archetypes
> The data must be complete
> The template can be invoked to ease data entry.
> What this means is that when data is already present, even if it  
> does not conform to a template (which may have been used as a guide  
> when entering data) it must be allowed. Clearly an application may  
> restrict data entry to the template (this is an application issue)  
> but it cannot impose a template on data already gathered.
> Keeping a template identifier in the EHR is then a statement only  
> that a template of some sort was used in creating the data. This  
> template may be in a form that is generally available (eg ADL) or a  
> specific local template implementation - there is no need to use a  
> generalisable form of template within the openEHR framework -  
> though it has advantages.
> Having said that, it is clear that it may be useful and I would  
> suggest that we consider an optional string attribute at the  
> composition level that allows recording the id of a template used  
> to form the composition.
> What do others think?
> Cheers, Sam
> -- 
> Dr. Sam Heard
> CEO and Clinical Director
> Ocean Informatics Pty. Ltd.
> Adjunct Professor, Health Informatics, Central Queensland University
> Senior Visiting Research Fellow, CHIME, University College London
> Chair, Standards Australia, EHR Working Group (IT14-9-2)
> Ph: +61 (0)4 1783 8808
> Fx: +61 (0)8 8948 0215
> - If you have any questions about using this list, please send a  
> message to d.lloyd at

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