Dear All,

I have an important modeling problem in ADL for defining whether single 
or multiple selection is allowed for values of an ELEMENT. In (very 
informal) other words checkbox or option box. During a recent discussion 
with Thomas, I learned that this has previously been discussed and that 
current trend is to move this into templates together with the 
constraint about default values.

I can perfectly understand and appreciate to define default values in 
templates as they can be dependent on regional, cultural or even 
religious matters. But considering the principles expressed 
(wonderfully) in a previous thread about archetypes and templates, one 
can simply come to a conclusion that (almost) universal and non-volatile 
domain knowledge go into former while local/volatile knowledge go into 
latter. In any concept such constraints are an integral part of that 
domain knowledge; i.e. an ELEMENT defining presence of bleeding can not 
have both present and absent. Of course then there might be other cases 
where this can not be determined in advance- so you simply do not 
constrain them in archetypes and handle with local templates.

The rationale behind my similar requests/suggestions is very simple: I 
prefer to be able to model concepts and implement them without depending 
on templates; just archetypes and that's all. I know that this is not 
the mainstream approach/business model but it can improve stability of 
archetypes and add flexibility in openEHR/CEN implementations.

Best regards,

Koray Atalag, MD, Ph.D.

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