Hi Gerard,

I 'm afraid I agree with Tim on this one. The difference between
'breaking' Version changes and non-breaking Revisions is clearly
documented in the specification. The reason for confusion and non-use
within the NHS is simply that the current tools do not support
Revisions. Now that the Template Model has been produced, I would hope
that we can properly support Revisions in both Archetype Editor and
Template Designer.

I appreciate that at first, Version / Revision is confusing because of
the similarity in English, but I think it is too late now to change
these terms, which at least have clear technical definitions. I was
interested to see Thomas's comment that a future version of the parser
will offer guidance on whether an altered archetype needs to be

BTW  What would be the equivalents in Dutch for Revision and Version?


2008/6/4 Tim Cook <timothywayne.cook at gmail.com>:
> On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 21:56 +0200, Gerard Freriks wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> The text below by Thomas warrants a conclusion:
>> - openEHR needs a (place in a) document that defines the correct
>> wording and meaning of:
>> version and revision.
>> To my mind these words are to much similar and can generate
>> confusions.
>> Alternatives:
>> Package (new Archetype that breaks the previous package archetype)
>> plus conversion script from the Old to the New Archetype)
>> Version (new Archetype as the result of some editorial changes, only,
>> not breaking the previous version)
> Hmmm, seems to me that you are introducing a new term AND omitting a
> term that is in use. While not clarifying the previous terms which Tom
> did quite well.
> I believe that Tom very well defined a version change as a change that
> substantially modified a previous version in such a manner as to render
> it incompatible with previous versions.
> A Revision (which you omitted) is a change that may further constrain or
> otherwise modify an archetype but does not render the expressed
> information unusable.
> This is also the same information that can be found in the relevant
> documents. But I see no reference to 'Package' as far as archetypes are
> concerned.
> Package implies a grouping of some type.  An archetype is (AFAIK)
> considered to be the expression of a single clinical concept.
> Regards,
> Tim
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