Randolph & Alan,

In our approach we will give a shot to store the group of "structure classes" I 
mentioned before, directly on a relational DB, in an atomic way (we will have 
tables and columns to each field, not a blob to store all the structure). With 
this approach I think we can boost performance about 70%, the big bottleneck in 
our implementation is de dynamic data binding (put data input from a user in a 
RM structure), and with this improvements, 1. this logic will be much more 
simple, 2. the DB schema wil be simpler also. I hope we'll have some results 
soon. We'll be evaluating performance on MySQL and Postgres DBMSs. The XML 
approach is our plan B :D

This approach is based on some requirements:
We need the clinical data on the production DB (that DB is relational, and the 
clinical data is stores in the "content classes" I mentioned before.The 
repository must support querying data at an atomic level without loading a huge 
amount of data on memory (for example: find all the patients with systolic BP 
over 130).
In the end we need a complete structure: the structure classes can be infered 
by arcehtypes and metadata (that can be persisted on filesystem, or could be 
instanced on memory)

There are other options too: 1. use an object-oriented dabatase (an ger rid of 
the Object-Relational Mapping tool), 2. use a document oriented DB: a. a XML 
native DB or b. a JSON native DB like http://www.mongodb.org/, 3. mix of 
relational dbs or oo dbs and filesystem (to store documents XML or JSON).

Just my 2 cents.

Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos

Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 16:53:10 -0400
Subject: Re: Dual Model EHR implementation
From: randy.ne...@veriquant.com
To: openehr-technical at openehr.org

Thanks for clarifying. I thought in your earlier post you had ruled out XML. I 
was curious what the alternative would be. JSON, as you suggest, would be 
Since writing my post I realized I had not given you credit for one innovation 
I had not seen before, namely, placing "structure classes" directly into the 
DB. That would allow you to keep your JSON content instances relatively small 
and hence searchable with formal queries, at least to some extent.  I could be 
mistaken, but I think an alternative approach I had heard about on this forum 
would be to create basically just one blob or just one XML document to contain 
an entire medical record for a patient, a record that would be extended with 
each encounter, with the prior instance of the record deleted or at least never 
referenced again. Again, I will probably be corrected here. Your approach 
sounds better.


On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Alan March <alandmarch at gmail.com> wrote:

>Regarding ?content structures?, these could be persisted as ?objects? in ad 
>hoc field in the database.


What kind of "objects"? And how would any approach of this sort be much better 
than XML? You'd still have to retrieve, parse or otherwise deserialize the 

entire blob before you could productively read, or navigate to, the tiniest 
part of it, taking time and resources. And it would seem that your object would 
have to be mixed with a lot of instance-level metadata (as in XML), further 
bloating its size, complexity and internal overhead. And are there 
non-proprietary ways to do this?

I never mentioned blobs. Precisely?XML structures would be one of the best 
choices (or probably better: a JSON ?object?).  If you read on you?ll see that 
that is precisely what I did in the past. That is why I enclosed the word 
object with double quotes (meaning to use the concept metaphorically). 
Serializing (real) runtime objects into XML or JSON ?objects? and storing these 
?complex data types? (I should probably have used this terminology) is, to the 
best of my understanding, the most convenient choice. So I fully agree with 
your comments. 


I don't see how the functionality of such objects would greatly exceed that of 
a PDF text document (possibly including a document-level table of contents), 
which, at the end of the day, is what a lot of EMR systems essentially amount 
to. Doctors typically pull up text-based notes often autogenerated from 
discrete fields never searched upon again and which may even die upon the 
generation of the note. I understand that one approach is to provide some basic 
indexed "pointers" to the blob within the DB, but that does not really overcome 
the basic problem that blobs pose.

Sure. Blobs are ghastly and under no circumstance would I propose their use for 
storing information of the type we are dealing with here.


One could argue that this at least avoids the problems often associated with 
EAV, but at the expense of easy and efficient access to discrete data elements. 
If a weight is too heavy to lift one solution is simply not to lift it.



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