I think Thomas has already mentioned that here there is a good possibility
of harmonization with EN13606. At the end it seems that we only need  single
ELEMENTs and a container with list or table semantics.

2011/10/4 Sebastian Garde <sebastian.garde at oceaninformatics.com>

> Yes - and if you want to go one further, ITEM_LIST is nothing more than
> a special case of ITEM_TREE as well.
> Modelling this explicitly hasn't been extremely useful I believe,
> especially if weighed against your evolution argument.
> Sebastian
> Am 04.10.2011 01:42, schrieb Heather Leslie:
> > I model using ITEM_TREE as default in every archetype, except where we
> might need a table structure.
> >
> > So I always aim to allow for maximal flexibility as the archetype
> evolves... and in almost every situation it does.
> >
> > Heather
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: openehr-clinical-bounces at openehr.org [mailto:openehr-clinical-
> >> bounces at openehr.org] On Behalf Of Rong Chen
> >> Sent: Tuesday, 4 October 2011 6:29 AM
> >> To: For openEHR clinical discussions
> >> Cc: openehr technical
> >> Subject: Re: Questions about the necessity of ITEM_SINGLE
> >>
> >> Hi Pablo,
> >>
> >> I agree with your analysis here especially the last one regarding
> evolution of
> >> archetypes.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Rong
> >>
> >> On 3 October 2011 16:23, pablo pazos<pazospablo at hotmail.com>  wrote:
> >>> Hi everyone,
> >>>
> >>> I've been studying how to simplify the ITEM_STRUCTURE model to enhance
> >>> the persistence performance of our Open EHR-Gen project
> >>> (http://code.google.com/p/open-ehr-gen-framework).
> >>>
> >>> Now I'm reaching a point in which I doubt about the necessity of
> >>> ITEM_SINGLE in the RM (as a subclass of ITEM_STRUCTURE) and I want to
> >>> expose some arguments and hear your comments about it.
> >>>
> >>> Semantic argument: As I understand ITEM_SINGLE, the semantics of this
> >>> class are the same as an ITEM_LIST or ITEM_TREE with only one ELEMENT,
> >>> I mean
> >>> that: the semantics of ITEM_SINGLE is just a matter of cardinality
> (=1).
> >>>
> >>> Practical argument: in practice, an ITEM_SINGLE is like using an
> >>> ELEMENT as an ITEM_STRUCTURE. And if we have only TREEs, LISTs and
> >>> TABLEs, the interface of each class can be the same, like: getItems(),
> >>> setItems(), the ITEM_SINGLE breaks that with getItem() and setItem().
> >>>
> >>> Evolution argument: If I have an archetype with an ITEM_SINGLE, but
> >>> the concept modeled with this archetype needs to change adding more
> >>> nodes to the archetype, I need to change the ITEM_SINGLE to another
> >>> ITEM_STRUCTURE, but if the archetype is modeled with an ITEM_TREE, I
> >>> can add any nodes without changing the ITEM_STRUCTURE type. I think
> >>> this way is more simple to create new archetypes with backwards
> >> compatibility.
> >>>
> >>> What do you think?
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Kind regards,
> >>> Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
> >>> LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
> >>> Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
> >>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos
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David Moner Cano
Grupo de Inform?tica Biom?dica - IBIME
Instituto ITACA

Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3? planta
Valencia ? 46022 (Espa?a)
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