Hi Heather!
So the partern to follow is: if you have a demographic concept that should be 
part of the clinical record, extract the internal structure to a CLUSTER and 
create an slot to that. Is that the "global solution"?
BTW, there's no device modelled as AGENT on the demographic archetypes, 
shouldn't be that archetype there with an slot to the same CLUSTER?
As an example, there is openEHR-DEMOGRAPHIC-ORGANISATION.organisation.v1 and 
openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.organisation.v1, so I can use the CLUSTER inside an ENTRY 
and inside the ORGANISATION.The problem with those archetypes is that the 
ORGANIZATION doesn't reference to the CLUSTER, and worst, they have different 
internal structures, Should I report this on the CKM? (maybe there are other 
demographic archetypes with the same problems).In a couple of weeks I'll have 
more time, if you want I can review all the problematic demographic archetypes, 
and propose to create CLUTERs for all the internal structures, adding a slot to 
that CLUSTER on those demographic archetypes. What do you think?

Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos

From: heather.les...@oceaninformatics.com
To: openehr-technical at lists.openehr.org; openehr-clinical at chime.ucl.ac.uk
Subject: RE: An ACTION or INSTRUCTION referencing an AGEN, is it possible?
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2012 14:59:16 +1000

Hi Pablo, There is a CLUSTER.device archetype - 
http://www.openehr.org/knowledge/OKM.html#showarchetype_1013.1.17 - plus a 
CLUSTER.device_details archetype - 
http://www.openehr.org/knowledge/OKM.html#showarchetype_1013.1.844 - that might 
be of interest. These are modelled as openEHR EHR archetypes so as to be 
specified within the EHR itself and already used extensively within slots for 
many OBSERVATION archetypes eg OBS.blood_pressure. In addition, just as you are 
suggesting, they are intended for use within the Specific Details SLOT in the 
INSTRUCTION.request family of archetypes or in the Procedure Details SLOT in 
the ACTION.procedure archetype, as examples. Hope this is helpful Heather From: 
openehr-technical-bounces at lists.openehr.org 
[mailto:openehr-technical-bounces at lists.openehr.org] On Behalf Of pablo pazos
Sent: Sunday, 17 June 2012 1:11 PM
To: openehr clinical; openeh technical
Subject: An ACTION or INSTRUCTION referencing an AGEN, is it possible? I'm 
correcting student papers for the openEHR course in spanish.A student has 
modelled oftalmologic studies for diabetic patients, with a demographic 
archetype of AGENT class to model all the devices used on the test. It could be 
very usefull to let record the device information in the ACTION archetype to 
say "this is the device we use for this test", or at the INSTRUCTION archetype 
to say "this is the device that should be used for the test". I'm sure some of 
you have solved this requirement, and I'll be very thankful if you can enlight 
me, because I don't see how the information model can solve this. Thanks a lot.
Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos
openEHR-technical mailing list
openEHR-technical at lists.openehr.org
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