Good morning!
That archetype seems very new, my recommendation is to use it carefully.
The purpose states: ...suitable for computation and display for human 
The second part is not accomplished (directly) by ACTIVITY.timing (a clinician 
will not understand a cron expression :)
In the other hand, ACTIVITY.timing is mandatory in the information model, but 
in my case I don't use it (let's say I use an empty constraint that allows any 
timing there, because I can't put there something like ASAP, because I'm 
dealing with emergency cases).
A wild guess about the use of openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.timing.v1 would be to give 
structure to timing specifications entered by users, e.g. when you create an 
event on google calendar and you can configure repetitions / frequency, etc. 
Then, with that info, you can create a cron expression or ISO6801 duration, and 
put that on ACTIVITY.timing, and use that expression to trigger events, control 
ACTIVITY execution, etc. I believe the transformation between data in the 
CLUSTER to a timing expression is straight forward, but the inverse 
transformation is not (different timing specification structures could give the 
same cron expressions).
I think the CLUSTER solves a problem for us developers: to know how to create a 
UI for timing data input. Because ACTIVITY.timing does not appear in 
archetypes, we have a lot of options of how to develop a UI to get timing info 
from the user, that will be totally custom, and we have to transform that 
information from our custom format to a parsable ACTIVITY.timing. With the 
CLUSTER, the structure is standardized, and we can create not so custom UIs and 
more generic transformations that we can reuse in different systems.
About interchange, both (structure and expression) are suitable to be 
interchanged and interpreted correctly, the first because you have an archetype 
that helps the receiver to know how to process the received data, and the 
latter because is a parsable expression, and the DV_PARSABLE contains all the 
metadata needed to interpret the data correctly (e.g. choose the right 
parser).If a system can interpret openEHR archetyped data, it can interpret the 
timing CLUSTER. If a system supports the information model, then it can handle 

Kind regards,
Eng. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez

To: openehr-technical at
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 08:54:04 +0200
Subject: SV: ACTIVITY and timing

Hi Pablo Thanks for the quick response! I guess you are right regarding Cron 
and ISO 8601 when it comes to implement the DV_PARSABLE attribute timing on the 
ACTIVITY class.  The openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.timing.v1 is developed to define 
?structured information about the timing (intended or actual) of administration 
or use of a medicine, other therapeutic good or other intervention that is 
given on a scheduled basis.? And it?s intended use is  ?with medication orders 
and other instructions where timing is complex and needs to be computable.? 
This archetype does also include a parsable element named ?parsable syntax?.  
So the key question is: To be able to exchange structured information about 
timing ? would it be better to use openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.timing.v1 or should we 
use the mandatory parsable timing attribute on ACTIVITY class?  I can see pros 
and cons:  Use the attribute on ACTIVITY class: ?         To use an attribute 
that is always present (in EHR Information Model). ?         To reduce clinical 
modeling effort ? since you don?t have to include structure about timing in 
(I guess clinical modeling should be done with specialization some way to 
define an Action  Archetype with timing information). Use the 
openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.timing.v1 (or another defined structure) ?         to be 
able to share timing information as Archetype defined structure between openEHR 
enabled systems . ?         to be able to let the Clinical Modeling people 
define the complexity of timing in HealthCare I can also see some challenges 
with the optional attribute WF_DEFINITION on the INSTRUCTION class and the 
mandatory attribute timing on the ACTIVITY class. I think there will be some 
correlation between these attributes in a given use-case.  With regards,
Bj?rn N?ss
Product owner
Telephone +47 75 59 24 55
Mobile +47 93 43 29

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[mailto:openehr-technical-bounces at] P? vegne av pablo pazos
Sendt: 10. august 2013 14:21
Til: openeh technical
Emne: RE: ACTIVITY and timing Hi Bj?rn, I don't use timing yet, but only 
because the healthcare domains I'm working on doesn't require complex timing 
management.Said that, I have investigated how to use timing for more complex 
scenarios, like hospitalization medication management. One option is to use 
cron expressions. That's great because is a de facto standard for developers, 
and linux support that at the OS level. So it's something that you can 
write/parse but also execute to trigger events. Another option would be to use 
ISO 8601 duration notation, standard and easy to create/parse. I'm sure there 
are more options out there, but I would recommend those two. In my opinion the 
current specs lack information about how to use timing, and that makes things 
more complex to us (developers).

Kind regards,
Eng. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
http://cabolabs.comFrom: bna at
To: openehr-technical at
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 10:24:14 +0200
Subject: ACTIVITY and timingHi ACTIVITY has a field for timing.  It's datatype 
is parsable. Some archetypes use a CLUSTER archetype to define detailed timing 
information for the given ACTIVITY.  I am curious if anyone have experiences 
with implementing timing for Activity and which strategy you are using? Will 
detailed timing information in a CLUSTER make timing information on Activity 
obsolete? Or will detailed timing information on Activity remove the need for a 
timing CLUSTER?   
Bj?rn N?ss
Product Owner 

Mobil +47 93 43 29 10
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