Heather, no doubt clinicians are necessary to design archetypes, the have the domain knowledge.

But you mentioned in your WIKI also the word "implementable", and this in connection to technicians, of course this is not a black and white word, some concepts are better implementable then others.

What does "implementable" as a technical term mean?

I think it means, predictable paths, so data can be found by queries without even knowing exact what one is looking for. For example, the eye-colour example for a pregnant woman as Thomas gave. I changed it to iris, because iris is not often registered, but there are clinicians which think it is important. A vendor could create an iris-analyzing device, and hand over an archetype with it to read out the data. That is what we wish for for OpenEhr, isn't it?
It ain't going to happen tomorrow, but it could happen in the future.

So when querying the particularities of a pregnancy an eventually irisscopy must be part of the result-set, even when no-one asked for it. So the vendor I just mentioned should have has archetype modeled in a way that it fits in the querying structure. This is a technical issue, deciding if an iris is interesting is a clinical issue, but storing an irisscopy in a way that it can/will be found, even when it is not expected is a technical issue. There must be a pattern imposed on the archetype structures which causes that data can be found, and never become invisible.

It is not that I want make technicians to important, it is not my call anyway. I am glad that clinicians can do most of the jobs, but to optimize the implementable aspect of archetypes, we need technicians, I hope that this example makes this clear. And it is not the only example, there are other examples which to find ask for other structures.


On 16-02-18 00:20, Heather Leslie wrote:
Hi Bert,

Unfortunately pattern by itself won't result in good archetypes. Mind you, I 
think the RM classes are brilliant and they have been the cornerstone for our 
modelling experience. In fact I suspect that the lack of these classes is a 
large part of the reason why other modelling paradigms such as CIMI have not 
been able to progress as far and as fast they had wished.

Clinical medicine is messy, by definition. Our experience is that we often 
identify patterns and then we routinely come across as many examples that break 
those patterns. The slow progress that results is the result of refining those 
patterns to work as universally as possible in the clinical scenarios and how 
to deal with apparently outlying data points.

Then you need to consider clinical diversity that takes into account the range 
of clinicians; differing professional requirements; differing professional 
levels of details; needs of specialists vs generalists; clinical context; 
institution and location; cultural differences; language differences; personal 
health records; requirements for public health and research.... I could go on. 
We need to identify what a concept is and the appropriate scope; ensure 
minimising overlap as well as minimising gaps between concetps. Good archetype 
design is just not as simple as what you yearn for, despite how logical it 
seems to you. Our job would be much easier if it were so.

The only practical way forward is to start with good representations of 
clinical data and then get broad review from ALL experts - to ensure that the 
clinical data is fit for use as well as to ensure that they are implementable.

As CKM Editors we try to get developers involved in reviews but they are often 
in the minority - not because they are not invited but mostly because they 
don't respond. We have a large list of technicians who were part of the 
companies who funded the original openEHR sprint. Some responded immediately 
with 'Accept' just to try to accelerate the archetype to get a published state. 
Most ignore the invitations to participate. DIPS engineers have been the most 
consistent participants and many modifications in archetypes arose from their 
participation in reviews - this has reflected their requirements for clinical 
content as well as their suggestions regarding the technical implications of 
the archetype design.

The adverse reaction archetype is a case in point - eventually we had 221 
reviews from 92 individuals in 16 countries PLUS an unknown number of 
participants from HL7 Patient care and FHIR communities. Health informaticians 
and IT experts comprised at least a third of reviewers - engineer engagement to 
this level is not our usual experience and if my memory is correct, most of the 
technical input came from the HL7 community, not openEHR.

Patterns have been identified and more are being refined... but don't expect 
them for all concepts, there will always be lots of unique models. Representing 
data that real clinicians can use will not be solved by patterns alone. 
Engaging clinicians is critical. Ontologies are useful but don't necessarily 
cater for the entire reality that is clinical practice. Engineer review and 
input would be much appreciated if it were available.

Why don't you agitate to get more engineers participating in the reviews? I 
would gladly invite anyone who is willing to engage. Get them to adopt an 
archetype today and join in the collective effort - the resulting archetypes 
can only be better for everyone.

Regards Heather

-----Original Message-----
From: openEHR-technical [mailto:openehr-technical-boun...@lists.openehr.org] On 
Behalf Of Bert Verhees
Sent: Friday, 16 February 2018 2:41 AM
To: For openEHR technical discussions <openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org>
Subject: Archetype pattern

An interesting wiki from Heather Leslie


She concludes that pattern are necessary, I agree with that, and she also 
concludes that clinicians are better modelers then technicians.

Well, that depends, of course it is very important to have domain-knowledge 
when modeling data, and clinicians have the best domain-knowledge. So from that 
point of view, she is right.

But what we have seen until now is that clinicians create archetypes with 
unpredictable paths. And that is bad, because it makes it very difficult to 
find data and it makes it easy to miss important data, because some data were 
on a path where one did not expect them.

OpenEhr works fine to find data which are on a known or predictable path, but 
what if data are on an unknown path?

Let me explain by comparing this to a classical relational health-application. 
There are similarities.

I have seen classical relational systems which experienced a wild-grow in 
number of tables, I have seen once in a prestigious university-hospital where 
they had a grown of 7000 tables in 20 years, more then one per day!! No one 
understood the meaning of all the tables and data, no one dared to use data he 
did not understand, many data were and still are redundant. Every new 
development in the ICT starts with designing new tables.

How can in such a situation a clinician research a persons medical record, even 
with the help of the current technical staff, this is often impossible. So, 
important information can get lost. Adding to this are software-updates which 
often cause a clean-up, and that clean-up is also done by people who do not 
always know what they clean up. People live long, and a medical problem they 
had 30 years ago can be important to find to solve a current problem. So old 
data, and understand them, and be able to find them, can be important.

This can also happen with archetypes. Every new development in a application 
can start with a new archetype, and at a moment there can be thousands. It is 
impossible for a clinician to search all possible paths for medical 
information, even with the help of the current technical staff this can be 

The old data-hell situation will not be solved by OpenEhr if there is not 
something behind it. And that something, that is: PATTERN

It is not only a clinical thing to understand how pattern in paths are best 
modeled, it is in fact also a technical thing. Clinical knowledge is not 
stable, the thinking about clinical facts change all the time, what now is 
important is tomorrow maybe not. So the pattern need a technical, mathematical 
base, that, something like Codd-normalization, but of course then applicable to 

The Wiki from Heather Leslie is a good starting point for the design of pattern 
and stop the proliferation of paths.

I described an approach to solve this problem in a blog, one and a half year 


I had some discussion about that, but many had problems against the use of 
SNOMED in this context. So, maybe read it and forget SNOMED ad find something 
else to structure the medical data.


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