On 03/16/2018 08:50 PM, Trevor Woerner wrote:
> On Tue 2018-02-20 @ 11:41:15 PM, Richard Purdie wrote:
>> The separate layers and maintainership is the way we designed the new
>> layered approach to OE to scale.
> I only became an active user of OE after the OE-classic split; I had used it a
> couple times during the OE-classic era, but not very deeply. Therefore: my
> apologies for not having a fuller understanding of the issue(s).
> Would anyone like to make an honest, unbiased attempt at answering:
> 1. What problem(s) was the post-OE-classic split attempting to solve?

The all in one approach is untestable.

> 2. Did it work? Can it be said that the problem(s) the OE-split was attempting
>    to solve, have actually been solved by the split? (and, if new problems
>    arose as a result of this split, were they small an manageable relative to
>    the pre-split problems?)

OE-core is well tested, and that has taken a lot of resources. There are
not dedicated resources to test much beyond this. The real problem is
how to get resources to test layers beyond oe-core. And maintain testing
of oe-core.


> The experiment to decide whether we need more splits or consolidation has
> already been done. Have the results been sufficiently understood?
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