As most of you know by now, OpenEMed uses a service oriented architecture
based on the OMG  PIDS/COAS/RAD/LQS standards, with PIDS using
by default the HL7 2.3 PID segment of patient identification.   COAS uses
various HL7 codes for observations (or any other coding system that is
LQS sits on top of a kernel based on Mayo's LexGrid and also implements
HL7 CTS service (OpenCTS).   RAD is the logical equivalent and predecessor
to XACML.   All of these services support federation so that multiple
could provide the functionality in a distributed manner.

Is there an effort to map RUV to something in UMLS so that translations
could be done
for CHITS?

Dave Forslund
> Hi all,
> I'm collating standards (open or otherwise) that are being used in open
> source health applications.
> I'd appreciate if the developers on the list would explicitly publish what
> standards they base their applications on and perhaps we can establish
> interoperability from thereon.
> For CHITS, we use ICD-10 (for disease codes), the Philippine medicare's
> RUV (relative unit values)  system for procedures, and are currently
> developing an XML schema for our local claims processing system (most
> probably a subset of HL7). Although HL7 is an international standard, this
> Philippine subset still has to go through the process of approval by local
> authorities.
> Thanks in advance.

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