>just based on what we read in the Guardian, it appears to be on a 
>knife-edge anyway. But there has been substantive spending - CFH has 
>already spent many millions (I would think many times £100m) on message 
>development and other work that blithely assumes the central message 
>bank idea, without taking any account of how health record systems work, 
>where they might be and how they should be integrated with each other. 
>Some extremely competent people working in CFH today are living with the 
>terrible choices of a few years ago (a message-based design conception 
>of a national e-Health grid), and are trying to do their best in those 
>- thomas beale
We're about to embark on the plan for a "e-Health Research Network" for 
Asia. These unfortunate case studies come in handy as lessons learnt 
elsewhere that we will pay special attention to.

One of OSHCA's proposed projects would look at interoperability issues 
in relation to data interchange and open standards. We hope to get 
together to talk about this as soon as we can put together some funding 
for it. Naturally we hope to be able do this as part of the e-Health 
Research Network.


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