Hi All,

As Health care is no longer a nation-wide concern, germs, SAARS, polio
etc.  respect no national boundaries. An FOSS Health care and EHR is
VITAL for this small plane Earth. The same system globally, would
prevent the Tower of Babel. Can VistA and our community rise to meet
the challenge?
For those who cannot make it for the meeting, can anyone, web
conference it, or atleast record it, and possibly put it on YouTube,
or use DimDim (, Open Source web conferencing), if it is possible.
Vipen mahajan
Skype ID vmahajan

Currently in New Delhi, but always on the Internet.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Edmund Billings
<edmund.billi...@medsphere.com> wrote:
> I and others from Medsphere will be participating.
> Edmund
> __________________
> Edmund Billings MD
> 415.505.8953
> On Mar 14, 2009, at 12:51 PM, "Elwell, Tim" <tim.elw...@misys.com>
> wrote:
>> Fred -- Thanks for posting this. I have been asked to participate in
>> the CCHIT Meeting at HIMSS during the 2-3pm timeslot. Who else will
>> be participating? Perhaps we could use this forum to collect,
>> aggregate and consolidate concerns representing various OS community
>> stakeholders and reduce to a White Paper for submission. I'd be
>> happy to include the summary in my remarks to CCHIT.
>> Regards,
>> Tim Elwell
>> Misys Open Source Solutions
>> tim.elw...@misys.com
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: open-ehealth-collaborat...@googlegroups.com 
>> [mailto:open-ehealth-collaborat...@googlegroups.com
>> ] On Behalf Of fred trotter
>> Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2009 2:45 PM
>> To: openhealth@yahoogroups.com; open-ehealth-collaborat...@googlegroups.com
>> ; Hardhats; Mark Leavitt; Dennis Wilson
>> Subject: CCHIT meeting FOSS at HIMSS
>> Hello,
>>            Recently, I was asked by several community members to
>> begin 'activating' the community at large against certain threats to
>> FOSS in healthcare. Dr. Valdes and I have been planning on doing this
>> for years, and, in our own ways, have both begun to attempt to make
>> the public aware of the issues that our community (FOSS Health IT)
>> faces. Dr. Valdes has been publishing several articles on the subject
>> at http://linuxmednews.com, which have meet with considerable success.
>> Including slashdotting:
>> http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/03/10/2055229
>>           While Ignacio has been taking a hard-line Free Software
>> approach, I have been (in a twist for me) taking an 'Open Source'
>> approach. The people who approached me at DOHCS were unanimous in
>> their belief that what FOSS needed from the government was merely a
>> level playing field, so that we could compete, and win, on our own
>> merits.
>>           The largest single threat to the future of FOSS in
>> healthcare in the US is the certification process mandated by the
>> stimulus act. The language provides funding for -certified- EHR
>> systems and eventually penalties for not using -certified- EHR
>> systems.
>>           The best established certification body is CCHIT. They have
>> not been named as the certification body, but they are likely lobbying
>> for that role. However, CCHIT has had an anti-open source stance for
>> years. For years, I and other activists in the community have chosen
>> to largely ignore this bias. Simply because CCHIT was an optional
>> certification. Now, things have changed. It is possible that the
>> government will mandating a certification program that is either CCHIT
>> or similarly unfriendly to FOSS.
>>           Recently I submitted my complaints to Dennis Wilson
>> (associated with both FOSS Laika and employed by CCHIT) who put me in
>> touch with Mark Leavitt. As a main result of that discussion, Mark has
>> agreed to have a meeting with the community-at-large about this issue
>> at HIMSS (please see the forwarded message from the CCHIT e-newsletter
>> below).
>>           Granted, this is like offering to meet with the Rebel
>> Alliance at the annual Death Star conference. However, Mark has also
>> agreed to provide some kind of remote access capability for those of
>> us who cannot afford the time, cost or moral compromise required to
>> attend HIMSS.
>>           The meeting will be held at HIMSS on  Monday, April 6, Room
>> 10d, Session #2  2:00  - 3:00 PM
>>           I have heard from several of the HIMSS 'regulars' in our
>> community that they will be going. However, it is critical that we
>> have a show of force within the community from precisely those people
>> who have the most to lose with regards to the certification issue:
>> small support companies and individual consultants.
>>           I am going on vacation next week, so I will be silent on
>> the mailing lists for a while. Would someone else please take the lead
>> on coordinating the sharing of hotel rooms, etc etc. If you are
>> already going and you would not mind 'putting someone up' so that they
>> could attend this conference, please speak up. I have space for one in
>> my hotel room starting Sunday. If you live in Chicago and you have a
>> couch to spare, please speak up.
>>          We are becoming more 'organized' as we speak. Please watch
>> this space for more announcements on how you can participate to keep
>> the US government from making anti-FOSS blunders now and in the
>> future.
>> Best,
>> -Fred Trotter
>> http://www.fredtrotter.com
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Sue Reber <sre...@cchit.org>
>> Date: Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 3:07 PM
>> Subject: FW: CCHIT eNews: Seeking volunteers, Expansion,
>> Interoperability and Open Source
>> To: fred trotter <fred.trot...@gmail.com>
>> Cc: Dennis Wilson <dwil...@cchit.org>
>> Fred - see below "Commission Hosts Interoperability and Open Source
>> Roundtables on Certification" in our regular electronic newsletter.
>> C Sue Reber
>> Marketing Director, CCHIT
>> Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology
>> 503.288.5876 office | 503.703.0813 cell | 503.287.4613 fax
>> sre...@cchit.org
>> --- majority of newsletter removed for brevity ---
>> Commission Hosts Interoperability and Open Source Roundtables on
>> Certification
>> In addition to its annual Town Hall at the upcoming  HIMSS09 Annual
>> Conference in Chicago, the Certification Commission will be  hosting
>> two technical roundtables, co-located with the conference, for health
>> IT vendors and developers. The first, "Interoperability 09 and Beyond:
>> a look  at CCHIT's roadmap for the future", will present the
>> Commission's  interoperability roadmap and explore the standards and
>> testing tools with  which developers need to be familiar.
>> The second, "Open Source  Forum: a dialogue on certification for open
>> source EHRs", is designed to  continue the discussion with open source
>> developers with an interest in  certifying EHRs. This session will
>> allow an open exchange of the challenges  and opportunities for making
>> certified open source EHRs available to  providers.
>> The times and locations of sessions are below. Both Health IT
>> Technical Roundtables will also be available via free remote access.
>> Details will be available at cchit.org prior to the date.
>> CCHIT Town Hall at HIMSS09 Annual Conference
>> Sunday,  April 5
>> Room W192b, McCormick Convention Center, Chicago
>> 9:45 - 11:15  AM
>> Health IT Technical Roundtables at Hyatt McCormick Conference Center
>> Monday, April 6
>> Room 10d, Hyatt McCormick Conference  Center, Chicago
>> Session #1  1:00 - 2:00 PM
>> Interoperability 09  and Beyond: a look at CCHIT's roadmap for the
>> future
>> Session #2  2:00  - 3:00 PM
>> Open Source Forum: a dialogue on certification for open source  EHRs
>> --- sections removed for brevity ----
>> Contact : en...@cchit.org  | www.cchit.org
>> Copyright © 2005-2009 Certification Commission for Healthcare
>> Information Technology
>> Privacy Policy   |   Terms of Use   |   Contact
>> ________________________________
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>> ________________________________
>> Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology
>> 200 S Wacker Dr
>> Suite 3100
>> Chicago, Illinois 60606
>> US
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Vipen Mahajan

Leo Systems
Chicago/Boston/Munich/New Delhi.

Skype - vmahajan
US +1-630-303- 9881. with voice mail facility
EMail/Skype/US Phone numbers are the best way to contact me. I travel
a lot but check the Internet every 12 hours atleast!.

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