How much does the battle cost and how much does the certification cost?
Maybe the approach would be for CCHIT to give a one time low fee for
FOSS projects, ie: CCHIT gets the deal and the FOSS community fund an
association pool to cover the fee. Otherwise the FOSS community could be
involuntarily funding a war chest to fight the issue.  Which fund is

Obviously, there is several FOSS apps and there would need to be some
way for the association to vet them regarding who was ready to certify
in order to avoid wasting money on dead ends.  Alternatively any FOSS
EMR/EHR that has a strong community (such as OEMR.ORG) could do this for
themselves.     Association dues would pay for the cost of certification
(and re-cert) and members of the association would gain.  The dues (if
sufficient or in excess of need) could alos be feed back to the
developers to pay for changes related to the certification.  This is a
branch idea of the posting regarding using a sourceforge project ...

--Tony McCormick

fred trotter wrote:
> Hello,
>             Recently, I was asked by several community members to
> begin 'activating' the community at large against certain threats to
> FOSS in healthcare. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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