In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Building OpenIndiana from sources,...:

Sorry again,

I see the steps:

mkdir distro-constcd distro-const
pfexec pkg install install/distribution-constructor
cp /usr/share/distro_const/slim_cd/slim_cd_x86.xml .
pfexec distro_const build slim_cd_x86.xml

and with the slim_cd_x86.xml but it seems that you do not need to do a "git
clone .." for the repo to get started.

If you start at the "build an ISO" part of the process, you're starting
past the point of creating individual packages.

The distro constructor uses the config you've specified to connect to
one or more package publishers (think: yum repo), downloads the
already-built packages into the 'build_area', and creates the distribution
using the parameters in the XML file you fed it.

If you change nothing in the slim_cd_x86.xml, the distribution you
construct will use the latest copies of 5 packages as they exist
in the publisher  If you want it to
use custom packages you've created, you need to first create those
packages, put them into a publisher (repo), and then point the config
file at your publisher.

Note that this isn't conceptually any different from how most Linux
distros that I'm aware of are constructed.  Building a LiveCD usually
doesn't kick off individual package builds for thousands of packages;
those are already built and sitting somewhere.  The LiveCD build
process just assembles a list of already-created packages with some
other stuff.

Please forgive me as I am coming
from the Linux world of Make and Cmake so this seems a bit different in
building steps.

Make, cmake, or other tools are used, as necessary for each individual
component, to compile that component and prepare it for packaging.  You're
not seeing that part of the process because you're not looking at
individual components, you're looking at the "assemble all the things"
part of the process.

If you want to get familiar with the process of creating a package for
a component like 'image/editor/gimp', you want to read the documentation
I linked related to oi-userland.  The docs will help you get the
oi-userland repo checked out from github, from there you can explore
each software component.


On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 6:55 PM Lonnie Cumberland <>

Hi Again,

One dumb question.  I was just doing some reading and did not see any type
of information on a Makefile or similar.  I see that the xml file ""; can be use
as the manifest but from which github repository does it all start?  I want
to read over the steps that are used through the entire process.

On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 6:49 PM Lonnie Cumberland <>

Thanks for the information.

Yea, I probably do not want to rebuild all of the packages, at least not
for now, since this first test is to just see if I can build the basic
LiveCD and have it boot like the one that I have download.

Looks like I will need to read up on things a bit more to get a feel for
the build flow.

Thanks again

On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 6:03 PM Aurélien Larcher <> wrote:

On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 11:43 PM Lonnie Cumberland <>

Hi Tim,

Thanks for answering my post. I have been reading a lot of the
documentation and will do some more reading over the next couple of
days in

Although I am still not sure where the main build branch is to create
LiveCD of OI (Hypster), it seems that these are the important

My next steps, I am guessing, will be to install OI on some native
so that I will have a build environment in OI to build OI LiveCD and
then I
will try to do a basic complete build without modifying anything. If
goes well then I can investigate taking out packages from the LiveCD.

You can generate live/install images using the Distribution Constructor
described at:

To customize the image you need to modify a manifest such as the ones
by Alexander for release images:

If you do not want to rebuild all the packages for your tests you can use
an existing repository or mirror it locally.
You need to modify the manifests accordingly so that
pkg_repo_default_authority points to the right repository.

I would like to see how small I can make the actual LiveCD with GUI.


On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 4:43 PM Tim Mooney <>

In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Building OpenIndiana from

Anyway, the first thing that I would like to figure out is the
process and package selections since the ISO that I have been
1.6 GB. and then Handbook->Developer's Corner is
a good place to start.

Now I want to see if I can build a much reduce size of this.

You certainly could, you'll just have to make lots of choices about
what optional dependencies you can live without when building a

You'll want to look at the REQUIRED_PACKAGES in the Makefile for each
component.  You'll probably also want to look at what's installed
of a particular incorporation.

Tim Mooney
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure                  701-231-1076
Room 242-J6, Quentin Burdick Building                  701-231-8541
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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