needsLayoutProperty() is not available on Text, and I figure that on the 
container it in the end will call layoutChildren, which I'm using already.

On 17-2-2015 14:24, Benjamin Gudehus wrote:
Basically I would like to be informed when the styling of a node has been 
applied or changed.
There are isNeedsLayout() and needsLayoutProperty() and they might
give Node-based information whether the the layout and thus the
styling was applied. I guess this might be true, since doCSSPass() is
called before doLayoutPass() in the JavaFX thread, but could be wrong
on this regard.

As another (more fuzzy) option you could place a custom Logger into
PulseLogger and handle calls to the newPhase() method. The problem is,
that it only gives Scene-based information, i.e. you don't see which
Node was processed, so it might be unreliable information. I use a
custom PulseLogger for performance tests.


On 2/17/15, Tom Eugelink <> wrote:
I have a skin (of a control) that centers a Text node. This Text node can be
styled via CSS, so this styling is a factor when centering. because larger
font means wider text.

The centering works perfectly, the only problem is figuring out when to
center the node. At the moment I'm centering the node on every
layoutChildren call of the skin, but this is way to often, because after
applying the CSS chances are very low that the node will need to be

Basically I would like to be informed when the styling of a node has been
applied or changed. Is there some place that can provide this information?


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