As a temporary solution you can use gxfCardStatus and block automatic activation of discrete GPU. When I was looking to this area last time(on the jdk side), I found that the simple CAOpenGLLayer application activate discrete GPU also, and we have no ability to change that. Probably something changed since then.

On 25.05.15 21:03, Scott Palmer wrote:
Yes, I appreciate that the "magic flag" in the Info.plist would just be a
signal to do something tricky.
I tried setting -Dprism.order=sw in the Info.plist, thinking that would
trick things into not requiring the discrete GPU, but all that happened
when I did that was that I ended up with a pixel-doubled window instead of
nice crisp retina graphics.  It still activated the discrete GPU.


On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 12:03 PM, Mike Hearn <> wrote:

I believe the tricky part is not setting the magic flag in your Info.plist
file but rather handling the GL context changes on the fly. It
requires/would require some code in the Mac GL specific part of JavaFX.
Otherwise if you force it to integrated then some other app causes a switch
to discrete, the app might die because its GL surface just vanished.

On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 5:30 PM, Scott Palmer <> wrote:

I've noticed that it is not possible to run a Java GUI app (Swing or
JavaFX) on a MacBook Pro without it activating the discrete graphics and
therefore reducing battery life.

I believe it is automatically triggered by the use of OpenGL.  Unless you
explicitly code for the integrated adapter, I don't think you can use
OpenGL without the discrete adapter kicking in.  It would be nice if
packaged app bundles done with the javapackager had an entry in the
Info.plist that would signal that the application does not require the
discrete adapter.

This appears to already be filed as a JDK bug at but it doesn't look like
it is getting much attention.  Is it likely to be addressed for 9 or an



Best regards, Sergey.

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