Sure we could add that to the Wiki. I'll put this on the list for next time I update it to incorporate other feedback.

I'd guess that you are just getting lucky on Linux.

-- Kevin

Lennart Börjeson wrote:
19 jan. 2018 kl. 15:37 skrev Kevin Rushforth <>:

What version of gradle are you using? gradle 4.3, which is what we recommend / 
use in production, does not do parallel task execution by default. Are you 
enabling it in your file? Or maybe using a later version of 

-- Kevin

Ah! Mea culpa; I do indeed have enabled it in my properties. Haven't touched it 
for a year, so it had completely slipped my mind.

Anyway, the wiki should perhaps mention that parallel execution should be off? 
I spent several days trying to find the reason for the failure until I just 
happened to try --no-parallel.

My linux build seem to work with parallel on, but that is perhaps only by pure 

I'm using gradle 4.3.1, BTW.


Lennart Börjeson wrote:
19 jan. 2018 kl. 01:10 skrev Kevin Rushforth 
#2. You should be able to build just the FX bits (outside your IDE) using:

  gradle sdk
  gradle javadoc

When building on my Mac, I've found that I must specify

gradle --no-parallel sdk

otherwise the build will consistently fail with:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
A problem was found with the configuration of task 
 specified for property 'headers' does not exist.

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