Hi Kevin,

Excellent work.
I confirm this is working for me.

Java: openjdk 11-ea+12 for Linux
App from

- Johan

On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 1:11 AM Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushfo...@oracle.com>

> I am pleased to announce the first Early Access build of a standalone
> JavaFX SDK [1]. You can download it and run it using OpenJDK 10 or an
> OpenJDK 11 EA build.
> If your application is in an unnamed module (i.e., your app is on the
> classpath), you can run your application as follows, after unzipping the
> SDK bundle for your platform.
> $ java --module-path $PATH_TO_FX/javafx-sdk-11
> --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml MyApp
> This assumes you don't need media or web. If you do, then add those
> modules, too. Note that since javafx.web "requires transitive
> javafx.controls", you can omit javafx.controls if you add javafx.web.
> If you are running a modular application, then you don't need the
> "--add-modules" option.
> Note that this is a stepping stone to javafx modules in a repository
> like Maven.
> Please test your applications with the SDK and give us feedback.
> Thanks.
> -- Kevin
> [1] http://jdk.java.net/openjfx/

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