Am 08.05.18 um 23:55 schrieb Nir Lisker:
Thanks Kevin, that's good to hear.

Michael, adding the external jars as single entries is the simplest and most granular way, but you can also define a library from those jars and then add that single library to any project:

1. Add Library...
2. User Library
3. User Libraries...
4. New... (give it a name)
5. Add External JARs... (add all the jars)
6. OK/Apply everything.

This creates a single entry in the .classpath:

    <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.USER_LIBRARY/library_name">

This should be the parallel to specifying a single folder from the command line.
I'll give that a try in the morning.

As for the runtime issue, is it finding the other modules?
No, if I do not specify javafx.fxml it complains about the next one. I also tried moving all jars to the classpath instead of the module path. Again this resolves the compile time dependencies but results in an error at runtime. Since Java 9 Eclipse has really become a mess.

- Nir

On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 3:39 PM, Michael Paus < <>> wrote:

    Am 08.05.18 um 14:27 schrieb Tom Schindl:


            3. How do you properly configure an Eclipse (the latest
            4.7.3a) project
            to use this module path. Adding the OpenJDK was no problem
            but how do
            you add the module path for JavaFX? I failed on that.

        You just open the Java Build Path-Properties-Page on the
        project and add
        the external jars, not?


    That's one of the ways I tried it but ...

    1. is that the intended way of doing it? On the command line you
    just specify a single folder.

    2. I did this and it resolved all dependencies at compile time but
    I got an exception at runtime

    Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
    java.lang.module.FindException: Module javafx.fxml not found

    although I also added


    as VM arguments.

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