There is nothing stopping you or anyone else from producing builds of OpenJFX. Software doesn't build itself, though, so you'll need to find the resources to build / test / host JavaFX somewhere. I for one am very happy that Gluon has stepped up to do this. There has been some discussion with the AdoptOpenJDK folks about builds, so maybe something could happen there eventually.

As for a GitHub repo, there already is a GitHub mirror / sandbox here:

You can fork it, play around with it, even submit pull requests against it; as with any open source project, you will need to sign the contributor agreement, as well as have your code reviewed, in order to get your change merged in.

-- Kevin

On 9/1/2018 6:54 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
Yes, just a site with code on github would be enough, for example. Without
any publicity or endorsement to any particular company.

Jfxtras does this: and the code of the site is on
github repository:

Outside of this, Gluon can still offer consultancy, payed support for
javafx, javafx based products, etc.

I think this is the type of decisions that should be discussed among the
community before any action is taken.


On Sat, Sep 1, 2018 at 2:05 PM Werner Van Belle <>


Just put it on github and let people fork it however they want.
That would be "open".


PS: I _am_ seriously pissed at Oracle about this shit. I spend the last
years specializing in their newest technology 'which they would never
ever drop' and now they just drop it.

On Sat, 2018-09-01 at 22:38 +1000, John-Val Rose wrote:
Hi Pedro,

I just happen to agree with you in this issue.

But, out of all the possible new custodians of JavaFX, I have to say
that I am always in awe of what Johan and Gluon have already
contributed and accomplished.

So how do we ensue that OpenJFX is truly “open”?

I agree that even though Gluon are doing a fantastic job, JavaFX
should not be a “Gluon product”.

I think it’s a great move for Oracle to basically relinquish control
of JavaFX - but to whom?

I’m not familiar enough with FOSS projects to offer any sage advice
but I totally agree that a “community” project has to be as open to
everyone as possible and no person or entity should have a commercial
advantage over others.

So, basically I like your question, I don’t believe the current
scenario is satisfactory but unfortunately I confess I can’t offer
any suggestions of better scenarios.


John-Val Rose

On 1 Sep 2018, at 22:00, Pedro Duque Vieira <pedro.duquevieira@gmai> wrote:


For JavaFX to start being, truly, a community project it is
important that
it is perceived as a real community effort. Right now it's starting
to look
more like it's changing hands, from being an Oracle project to
being a
Gluon project.

I don't have anything against Gluon, I'd say the same if for
instead of Gluon it was JPro or Karakun, or whatever...

Hosting the JavaFX docs, builds, installations, etc on a company
owned site
or a company endorsed site sounds like a really bad idea. Which is
happening right now. If it's to be a community project it should be
by the community as a whole. As well as being perceived to be owned
by the
community as a whole.

Being a one company project will deter the contributions of other
in the JavaFX space. Other players that also offer consultancy
and JavaFX products will have a big disadvantage towards the
hosting the JavaFX assets and downloads. At the very minimum think
the huge advantage this company will have in publicity when
compared to the

A community project is a project where various players join efforts
mutually benefit each other. As soon as this starts being a project
benefiting one particular company more than the others it ceases to
be a
community project.

I don't think that anyone would like to join in on the efforts in


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