On Mon, 29 Jan 2024 15:39:32 GMT, Nir Lisker <nlis...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> tests/system/src/test/java/test/com/sun/javafx/animation/SynchronisityTest.java
>>  line 65:
>>> 63:         }
>>> 64: 
>>> 65:         waiter.await(GRACE_PERIOD, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
>> I don't think this will do what you want. This will return almost 
>> immediately, before any of the animation has run (as soon as the runnable 
>> that sets the uncaught exception handler finished). What I think you need is 
>> something more like this:
>>         Platform.runLater(() -> registerExceptionHandler());
>>         assertTrue(waiter.await(GRACE_PERIOD, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
>>         // start the 10 threads...
>>         Util.sleep(GRACE_PERIOD);
>> The await ensures that the uncaught exception handler has been registered 
>> before starting the threads. The sleep then runs the threads for a fixed 
>> amount of time.
>> I don't think this will do what you want. This will return almost 
>> immediately, before any of the animation has run (as soon as the runnable 
>> that sets the uncaught exception handler finished).
> I observed that this setup works correctly for the `AnimationTimer` test. The 
> test does wait for `GRACE_PERIOD` seconds when there is no exception and then 
> succeeds, or catches and fails immediately when there onw is thrown. The 
> `Animation` test was more finicky, but I think that is because I'm not 
> simulating a processing load properly.
>> The await ensures that the uncaught exception handler has been registered 
>> before starting the threads. 
> While technically true, the handler register in a negligible amount of time 
> compared to the grace period. Because exceptions are thrown continuously 
> )it's not a one-time event), the handler will never miss a failure.
> I will change it for correctness sake.

I misread it. I see now that you only countdown when there is a failure. In 
that case, it seems fine as you have it (unless you also want to have a second 
latch that ensures that the uncaught event handler is in place prior to 
submitting the runnables). You might want to add a comment as to the purpose of 
the latch, since it wasn't initially obvious to me.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1352#discussion_r1469812959

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