Hi Andreas,

it is hard to diagnose with such a massive workflow. Could you reproduce this behaviour with a minimalist one?


Le 07/05/2015 20:26, Andreas Schuh a écrit :

I have the following linked workflow in my REPEAT plugin, where the puzzle of interest at the moment is “RegisterImages” which is part of the “run” sub-workflow in the RunRegistration.scala file. In the apply function of the RegisterImages object, I create this puzzle piece using strainer capsules such that I don’t have to know/pass all Prototype variables as arguments. The problem with this is that the registration task is never executed and either the output file handling of OpenMOLE, the CopyFileHook or a following task produces a FileNotFoundException for the phiDof output File which was never produced by the task.

When I don’t use a strainer capsule for the tasks named “RegisterImagesBegin” and “RegisterImages” in RegisterImages.scala everything works fine.

I am curious why I cannot get it to work with strainer capsules and what is wrong with below code ?

Workflow: RunRegistration.scala <https://github.com/schuhschuh/REPEAT/blob/2f53c2fab2393596aec71d8446a850602ceb61cc/src/main/scala/com/andreasschuh/repeat/workflow/RunRegistration.scala> Puzzle: RegisterImages.scala <https://github.com/schuhschuh/REPEAT/blob/2f53c2fab2393596aec71d8446a850602ceb61cc/src/main/scala/com/andreasschuh/repeat/puzzle/RegisterImages.scala#L116>


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