> > > Registers a signal handler to catch SIGSEGV in order to display the
> > > stack where the program crashed.
> > 
> > Is this for inside OpenOCD?  If so, I'd rather just expect folk
> > to run inside GDB.  Either they're running natively and should
> > never see SEGV ... or they should be able to fire up GDB to get
> > this data (and likely more).
> > 
> Not everyone wants to run GDB, and not all segfaults can be predicted.

Any developer who's not willing to run GDB to catch a fault ...
take them out back behind the woodshed and "bugfix" them!  ;)

No end user should ever see segfaults, or any other flavor of
rude/unexpected exit.  If they see one that's quite a major
bug in the code.

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