Hola Josep;
Acabo de mirar les cadenes que m'has enviat i estan totes bé.
Te les torno enviar
Fins aviat

On 2/15/07, Adelina Ors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jo ho miro ara i ja t'ho enviaré i et diré alguna cosa quan hagi acabat.
Fins aviat

On 2/15/07, Josep Torne < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hola,
> m'agradaria que em reviséssiu les cadenes que he fet fins ara i em
> diguéssiu que tal estan. Adjunto junt amb el correu una part del meu fitxer
> amb les cadenes que he traduït.
> Al meu fitxer li queden unes 3800 cadenes per traduir i jo vaig bastant
> lent si algú en vol traduir una part ens podem posar d'acord.
> Josep T.

#: func_weekday.xhp#par_id3150317.144.help.text
msgid "WEEKDAY(\"6/14/2000\") returns 4 (the Type parameter is missing, therefore the standard count is used. The standard count starts with Sunday as day number 1. June 14, 2000 was a Wednesday and therefore day number 4)."
msgstr "DIASETMANA(\"14/6/2000\") retorna 4 (el paràmetre Tipus falta, per tant s'utilitza el compte estàndard. El compte estàndard comença en diumenge com a dia número 1. El 14 de juliol de 2000 era un dimecres i per tant el dia número 4)."

#: func_weekday.xhp#par_id3153174.145.help.text
msgid "WEEKDAY(\"7/24/1996\";2) returns 3 (the Type parameter is 2, therefore Monday is day number 1. July 24, 1996 was a Wednesday and therefore day number 3)."
msgstr "DIASETMANA(\"24/7/1996\";2) retorna 3 (el paràmetre Tipus és 2, per tant el dilluns és el dia número 1. El 24 de juliol de 1996 era un dimecres i per tant el dia número 3)."

#: func_weekday.xhp#par_id3153525.146.help.text
msgid "WEEKDAY(\"7/24/1996\";1) returns 4 (the Type parameter is 1, therefore Sunday is day number 1. July 24, 1996 was a Wednesday and therefore day number 4)."
msgstr "DIASETMANA(\"24/7/1996\";1) retorna 4 (el paràmetre Tipus és 1, per tant el diumenge és el dia número 1. El 24 de juliol de 1996 era en dimecres i per tant el dia número 4)."

#: func_weekday.xhp#par_id3150575.147.help.text
msgid "WEEKDAY(NOW()) returns the number of the current day."
msgstr "DIASETMANA(ARA()) retorna el nombre del dia actual."

#: func_weekday.xhp#par_id3150588.171.help.text
msgid "To obtain a function indicating whether a day in A1 is a business day, use the IF and WEEKDAY functions as follows: IF(WEEKDAY(A1;2)<6;\"Business day\";\"Weekend\")"
msgstr "Per a obtenir una funció que indiqui si un dia a A1 és un dia feiner, utilitzeu les funcions SI i DIASETMANA de la forma següent: SI(DIASETMANA(A1;2)<6;\"Dia feiner\";\"Cap de setmana\")"

#: func_weeknum.xhp#tit.help.text
msgid "WEEKNUM"

#: func_weeknum.xhp#bm_id3159161.help.text
msgid "\\<bookmark_value\\>WEEKNUM function\\</bookmark_value\\>"
msgstr ""

#: func_weeknum.xhp#hd_id3159161.54.help.text
msgid "\\<variable id=\\\"weeknum\\\"\\>\\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/func_weeknum.xhp\\\"\\>WEEKNUM\\</link\\>\\</variable\\>"
msgstr "\\<variable id=\\\"weeknum\\\"\\>\\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/func_weeknum.xhp\\\"\\>NUMSETMANA\\</link\\>\\</variable\\>"

#: func_weeknum.xhp#par_id3149770.55.help.text
msgid "\\<ahelp hid=\\\"HID_FUNC_KALENDERWOCHE\\\"\\>WEEKNUM calculates the week number of the year for the internal date value.\\</ahelp\\>"
msgstr "\\<ahelp hid=\\\"HID_FUNC_KALENDERWOCHE\\\"\\>NUMSETMANA calcula el número de setmana de l'any per un valor de data intern.\\</ahelp\\>"

#: func_weeknum.xhp#par_idN105E4.help.text
msgid "The International Standard ISO 8601 has decreed that Monday shall be the first day of the week. A week that lies partly in one year and partly in another is assigned a number in the year in which most of its days lie. That means that week number 1 of any year is the week that contains the January 4\\<emph\\>th\\</emph\\>."
msgstr ""

#: func_weeknum.xhp#par_id3147236.57.help.text
msgid "WEEKNUM(number; mode)"
msgstr "NUMSETMANA(nombre; mode)"

#: func_weeknum.xhp#par_id3147511.58.help.text
msgid "\\<emph\\>Number\\</emph\\> is the internal date number."
msgstr "\\<emph\\>Nombre\\</emph\\> és el nombre intern de la data."

#: func_weeknum.xhp#par_id3154269.59.help.text
msgid "\\<emph\\>Mode\\</emph\\> sets the start of the week and the calculation type."
msgstr "\\<emph\\>Mode\\</emph\\> estableix el començament de la setmana i el tipus de càlcul."

#: func_weeknum.xhp#par_id3148930.60.help.text
msgid "1 = Sunday"
msgstr "1 = Diumenge"

#: func_weeknum.xhp#par_id3154280.61.help.text
msgid "2 = Monday"
msgstr "2 = Dilluns"

#: func_weeknum.xhp#par_id3150704.65.help.text
msgid "WEEKNUM(\"1/1/95\";1) returns 1 (1/1/95 was a Sunday)"
msgstr "NUMSETMANA(\"1/1/95\";1) retorna 1 (1/1/95 era un diumenge)"

#: func_weeknum.xhp#par_id3149792.64.help.text
msgid "WEEKNUM(\"1/1/95\";2) returns 52. If the week starts on Monday, Sunday belongs to the last week of the previous year."
msgstr "NUMSETMANA(\"1/1/95\";2) retorna 52. Si la setmana comença en dilluns, el diumenge pertany a l'última setmana de l'any anterior."

#: func_weeknumadd.xhp#tit.help.text
msgid "WEEKNUM_ADD "

#: func_weeknumadd.xhp#bm_id3166443.help.text
msgid "\\<bookmark_value\\>WEEKNUM_ADD function\\</bookmark_value\\>"
msgstr ""

#: func_weeknumadd.xhp#hd_id3166443.222.help.text
msgid "\\<variable id=\\\"weeknumadd\\\"\\>\\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/func_weeknumadd.xhp\\\"\\>WEEKNUM_ADD\\</link\\>\\</variable\\>"
msgstr "\\<variable id=\\\"weeknumadd\\\"\\>\\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/func_weeknumadd.xhp\\\"\\>NUMSETMANA_ADD\\</link\\>\\</variable\\>"

#: func_weeknumadd.xhp#par_id3152945.223.help.text
msgid "\\<ahelp hid=\\\"HID_AAI_FUNC_WEEKNUM\\\"\\>The result indicates the number of the calendar week for a \\<emph\\>Date\\</emph\\>.\\</ahelp\\>"
msgstr "\\<ahelp hid=\\\"HID_AAI_FUNC_WEEKNUM\\\"\\>El resultat indica el número de setmana per a una \\<emph\\>Data\\</emph\\>.\\</ahelp\\>"

#: func_weeknumadd.xhp#par_idN105DD.help.text
msgid "The WEEKNUM_ADD function is designed to calculate week numbers exactly as Microsoft Excel does. Use the \\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/func_weeknum.xhp\\\"\\>WEEKNUM\\</link\\> function, or format your date cells using the WW formatting code, when you need ISO 8601 week numbers."
msgstr "La funció NUMSETMANA_ADD està pensada per a calcular el número de setmana exactament com ho fa Microsoft Excel. Utilitzeu la funció \\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/func_weeknum.xhp\\\"\\>NUMSETMANA\\</link\\>, o formateu les cel·les data emprant el codi formatador WW, quan necessiteu números de setmana ISO 8601."

#: func_weeknumadd.xhp#par_id3153685.225.help.text
msgid "WEEKNUM_ADD(Date;Return type)"
msgstr "NUMSETMANA_ADD(Data;Tipus de retorn)"

#: func_weeknumadd.xhp#par_id3159277.226.help.text
msgid "\\<emph\\>Date\\</emph\\>: the date within the calendar week."
msgstr "\\<emph\\>Data\\</emph\\>: la data dins la setmana."

#: func_weeknumadd.xhp#par_id3154098.227.help.text
msgid "\\<emph\\>Return type\\</emph\\>: 1 for week beginning on a Sunday, 2 for week beginning on a Monday."
msgstr "\\<emph\\>Tipus de retorn\\</emph\\>: 1 per començar la setmana en diumenge, 2 per començar la setmana en Dilluns."

#: func_weeknumadd.xhp#par_id3149973.229.help.text
msgid "In which week number does 12.24.2001 fall?"
msgstr "En quin número de setmana cau 24.12.2001?"

#: func_weeknumadd.xhp#par_id3149914.230.help.text
msgid "=WEEKNUM_ADD(\"24.12.2001\";1) returns 52."
msgstr "=NUMSETMANA_ADD(\"24.12.2001\";1) retorna 52."

#: func_workday.xhp#tit.help.text
msgid "WORKDAY"
msgstr "DIAFEINER"

#: func_workday.xhp#bm_id3149012.help.text
msgid "\\<bookmark_value\\>WORKDAY function\\</bookmark_value\\>"
msgstr ""

#: func_workday.xhp#hd_id3149012.186.help.text
msgid "\\<variable id=\\\"workday\\\"\\>\\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/func_workday.xhp\\\"\\>WORKDAY\\</link\\>\\</variable\\>"
msgstr "\\<variable id=\\\"workday\\\"\\>\\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/func_workday.xhp\\\"\\>DIAFEINER\\</link\\>\\</variable\\>"

#: func_workday.xhp#par_id3149893.187.help.text
msgid "\\<ahelp hid=\\\"HID_AAI_FUNC_WORKDAY\\\"\\> The result is a date number that can be formatted as a date. You then see the date of a day that is a certain number of \\<emph\\>Workdays\\</emph\\> away from the \\<emph\\>Start date\\</emph\\>.\\</ahelp\\>"
msgstr ""

#: func_workday.xhp#par_id3154844.189.help.text
msgid "WORKDAY (Start date;Days;Holidays)"
msgstr "DIAFEINER (Data inicial;Dies;Festius)"

#: func_workday.xhp#par_id3153038.191.help.text
msgid "\\<emph\\>Days\\</emph\\>: the number of workdays. Positive value for a result after the start date, negative value for a result before the start date."
msgstr "\\<emph\\>Dies\\</emph\\>: el nombre de dies feiners. Valor positiu per un resultat després de la data inicial, negatiu per un resultat abans de la data inicial."

#: func_workday.xhp#par_id3150693.192.help.text
msgid "\\<emph\\>Holidays\\</emph\\>: list of optional holidays. These are non-working days. Enter a cell range in which the holidays are listed individually."
msgstr "\\<emph\\>Festius\\</emph\\>: llista opcional de festius. Aquest són dies no feiners. Introduïu un abast de cel·les en el qual els festius estiguin llistats individualment."

#: func_workday.xhp#par_id3152782.194.help.text
msgid "What date comes 17 workdays after 1 December 2001? Enter the start date \"12/1/2001\" in C3 and the number of workdays in D3. Cells F3 to J3 contain the following Christmas and New Year holidays: \"12/24/2001\", \"12/25/2001\", \"12/26/2001\", \"12/31/2001\", \"1/1/2002\"."
msgstr "En quina data cau el 17è dia feiner després de l'1 de desembre de 2001? Introduïu la data inicial \"1/12/2001\" a C3 i el nombre de dies feiners a D3. Les cel·les de F3 a J3 contenen les següents festes de Nadal i Any Nou: \"24/12/2001\", \"25/12/2001\", \"26/12/2001\", \"31/12/2001\", \"1/1/2002\"."

#: func_workday.xhp#par_id3146142.195.help.text
msgid "=WORKDAY(C3;D3;F3:J3) returns 12/28/2001. Format the serial date number as a date."
msgstr "=DIAFEINER(C3;D3;F3:J3) retorna 28/12/2001. Formata el número de sèrie de la data com a una data."

#: func_year.xhp#tit.help.text
msgid "YEAR"
msgstr "ANY"

#: func_year.xhp#bm_id3153982.help.text
msgid "\\<bookmark_value\\>YEAR function\\</bookmark_value\\>"
msgstr ""

#: func_year.xhp#hd_id3153982.37.help.text
msgid "\\<variable id=\\\"year\\\"\\>\\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/func_year.xhp\\\"\\>YEAR\\</link\\>\\</variable\\>"
msgstr "\\<variable id=\\\"year\\\"\\>\\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/func_year.xhp\\\"\\>ANY\\</link\\>\\</variable\\>"

#: func_year.xhp#par_id3147496.38.help.text
msgid "\\<ahelp hid=\\\"HID_FUNC_JAHR\\\"\\>Returns the year as a number according to the internal calculation rules.\\</ahelp\\>"
msgstr "\\<ahelp hid=\\\"HID_FUNC_JAHR\\\"\\>Retorna l'any com un nombre segons les regles de càlcul internes.\\</ahelp\\>"

#: func_year.xhp#par_id3154304.40.help.text
msgid "YEAR(number)"
msgstr "ANY(nombre)"

#: func_year.xhp#par_id3156013.41.help.text
msgid "\\<emph\\>Number\\</emph\\> shows the internal date value for which the year is to be returned."
msgstr "\\<emph\\>Nombre\\</emph\\> Indica el valor de la data interna de la qual es retorna l'any."

#: func_year.xhp#par_id3145668.43.help.text
msgid "Year(1) returns 1899"
msgstr "Any(1) retorna 1899"

#: func_year.xhp#par_id3151168.44.help.text
msgid "YEAR(2) returns 1900"
msgstr "ANY(2) retorna 1900"

#: func_year.xhp#par_id3150115.45.help.text
msgid "YEAR(33333.33) returns 1991"
msgstr "ANY(33333,33) retorna 1991"

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#tit.help.text
msgid "YEARFRAC"
msgstr "FRACANY"

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#bm_id3148735.help.text
msgid "\\<bookmark_value\\>YEARFRAC function\\</bookmark_value\\>"
msgstr ""

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#hd_id3148735.196.help.text
msgid "\\<variable id=\\\"yearfrac\\\"\\>\\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/func_yearfrac.xhp\\\"\\>YEARFRAC\\</link\\>\\</variable\\>"
msgstr "\\<variable id=\\\"yearfrac\\\"\\>\\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/func_yearfrac.xhp\\\"\\>FRACANY\\</link\\>\\</variable\\>"

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#par_id3150899.197.help.text
msgid "\\<ahelp hid=\\\"HID_AAI_FUNC_YEARFRAC\\\"\\> The result is a number between 0 and 1, representing the fraction of a year between \\<emph\\>Start date\\</emph\\> and \\<emph\\>End date\\</emph\\>.\\</ahelp\\>"
msgstr "\\<ahelp hid=\\\"HID_AAI_FUNC_YEARFRAC\\\"\\> El resultat és un nombre entre el 0 i l'1, que representa la fracció de l'any entre \\<emph\\>Data inicial\\</emph\\> i \\<emph\\>Data final\\</emph\\>.\\</ahelp\\>"

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#par_id3155823.199.help.text
msgid "YEARFRAC (Start date;End date;Basis)"
msgstr "FRACANY (Data inicial;Data final;Base)"

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#par_id3145144.200.help.text
msgid "\\<emph\\>Start date\\</emph\\> and \\<emph\\>end date\\</emph\\>: two date values."
msgstr "\\<emph\\>Data inicial\\</emph\\> i \\<emph\\>data final\\</emph\\>: dos valors de data."

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#par_id3149954.201.help.text
msgid "\\<emph\\>Basis\\</emph\\>: is chosen from a list of options and indicates how the year is to be calculated."
msgstr "\\<emph\\>Base\\</emph\\>:s'escull d'una llista d'opcions i indica com es calcula l'any."

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#par_id3146847.202.help.text
msgid "Basis"
msgstr "Base"

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#par_id3155956.203.help.text
msgid "Calculation"
msgstr "Càlcul"

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#par_id3149877.205.help.text
msgid "US method (NASD), 12 months of 30 days each"
msgstr "Mètode US (NASD), 12 mesos de 30 dies cadascun"

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#par_id3154326.206.help.text
msgid "Exact number of days in months, exact number of days in year"
msgstr "Nombre exacte de dies dels mesos, nombre exacte de dies a l'any"

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#par_id3155620.207.help.text
msgid "Exact number of days in month, year has 360 days"
msgstr "Nombre exacte de dies al mes, l'any té 360 dies"

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#par_id3148394.208.help.text
msgid "Exact number of days in month, year has 365 days"
msgstr "Nombre exacte de dies al mes, l'any té 365 dies"

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#par_id3150931.209.help.text
msgid "European method, 12 months of 30 days each"
msgstr "Mètode europeu, 12 mesos de 30 dies cadascun"

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#par_id3149007.211.help.text
msgid "What fraction of the year 2001 lies between 1.1.2002 and 7.1.2001?"
msgstr ""

#: func_yearfrac.xhp#par_id3154632.212.help.text
msgid "=YEARFRAC(\"1.1.2002\"; \"7.1.2002\";1) returns 0.495890."
msgstr ""

#: format_graphic.xhp#tit.help.text
msgid "Graphic"
msgstr "Gràfic"

#: format_graphic.xhp#par_idN10548.help.text
msgid "\\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/format_graphic.xhp\\\"\\>Graphic\\</link\\>"
msgstr "\\<link href=\\\"text/scalc/01/format_graphic.xhp\\\"\\>Gràfic\\</link\\>"

#: format_graphic.xhp#par_idN10558.help.text
msgid "\\<ahelp hid=\\\".\\\"\\>Opens a submenu to edit the properties of the selected object.\\</ahelp\\>"
msgstr "\\<ahelp hid=\\\".\\\"\\>Obre un submenú per editar les propietat de l'objecte seleccionat.\\</ahelp\\>"

#: format_graphic.xhp#par_id1650440.help.text
msgid "\\<link href=\\\"text/shared/01/05990000.xhp\\\"\\>Define Text Attributes\\</link\\>"
msgstr "\\<link href=\\\"text/shared/01/05990000.xhp\\\"\\>Defineix Atributs del Text\\</link\\>"

#: format_graphic.xhp#par_id363475.help.text
msgid "Sets the layout and anchoring properties for text in the selected drawing or text object."
msgstr "Estableix el format i les propietats d'anclatge per text en l'objecte de dibuix o de text seleccionat."

#: format_graphic.xhp#par_id9746696.help.text
msgid "Points"
msgstr "Punts"

#: format_graphic.xhp#par_id2480544.help.text
msgid "\\<ahelp hid=\\\".\\\"\\>Switches \\<emph\\>Edit Points\\</emph\\> mode for an inserted freeform line on and off.\\</ahelp\\>"
msgstr ""

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