> Well, I do not mean that other packages use "tiff/tiff.h", 
> but the other packages explicitly use -I<prefix>/include/tiff 
> to locate the stuff (see %{l_cppflags} for this). This we 
> would have to change in all other packages. OTOH if a package 
> has a larger set of includes, it is reasonable to place the 
> stuff into its own subdir. So is a "%{l_cppflags tiff .}" 
> enough for Emacs to find the <prefix>/include/tiff/ files?

Yes, "%{l_cppflags tiff .}" works to build emacs. I tested it on both Redhat
Linux 9 and Solaris 9.

I've uploaded the src rpm file with the modified spec file.


P.S. I still think you're giving yourself way more work than you need to by
moving these header files. But who am I to complain since you're doing most
of the work...  :-)

Dennis McRitchie
Research & Academic Applications Support (RAAS)
Academic Services Department
Office of Information Technology
Princeton University

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