Hello Michael,

On 10/07/2014 05:10 PM, Michael Raab wrote:
> Am 07.10.2014 16:39 schrieb Carsten Neumann <carsten.p.neum...@gmail.com>:
>>> In the usual scene rendering the timed shader behavior stops until the
>>> video capturing gets stopped. I checked with gDebugger and in case of
>>> capturing the video the GLContext receives a copy of the initial shading
>>> program and the variable update seems to affect only this.
>> Hmm, here I'm not sure I can follow: my understanding was that your
>> setup now only has one GL context (Window) that is used for both
>> rendering to the FBO as well as the regular back buffer and so there
>> should only be one instance of the shader program? Do you think you can
>> track down where that copy comes from, because I have a feeling that
>> there should not be a copy in the first place - that way there would
>> also not be any confusion which program's uniform value gets updated.
> Yes there is one context and the shader program instance should be there 
> once. Actually I have no clue where and why it is constructed. Do have an 
> idea where to start looking for it?

hmm, not sure if it's helpful, but there is essentially just one place 
that calls glCreateProgram: OSGShaderExecutableChunk.cpp:260, so that 
may be a starting point?


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