Jake Maciejewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't understand why X is a priority. You provide fluxbox as a window 
> manager instead of a full desktop like GNOME, KDE, or XFCE. You don't provide 
> GUI web browsers like Firefox and Konqueror, email apps like Thunderbird and 
> Evolution, or any of the other software that's included in (or pre-packaged 
> for) a typical Linux or BSD distro. Other than running those programs over X 
> from a different machine, I fail to see what users are supposed to do with 
> your X packages. If users are skilled enough to build the applications they 
> want from source, they ought to be able to build Xorg too. By the time you 
> release 0.3, GNUSolaris will be providing a complete desktop with GNOME, 
> Firefox, GAIM, Evolution, etc.

Let us face reality...

Belenix has been developped by starting with SchilliX
and modifying it.

GNUSolaris is currently no more than an annunced distro.

www.gnusolaris.org is unreachable and the announcement
was not clear enough to understand what GNUSolaris will be.
Once we know more about GNUSolaris, we will be able to judge based
on it's real features.

I would asume that they take the Solaris kernel and use the
same Debian userland than Debian uses for Debian/Linux.
If this is true, then it is still uncler whether they use
glibc or the standard libc.

If they use the Debian userland, GNUSolaris will most likely not
what Solaris users expect and GNUSolaris will not pass an OpenSolaris
compliance test

If they use the Solaris userland, and only add other free software,
GNUSolaris will be nothing different than SchilliX except that is less
probable that it will pass an OpenSolaris compliance test and key 
features from Solaris (e.g. zones) will probably never work.

With these constraints, it is obvious that there is a need to create an own X
package for SchilliX in the near future.


 EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                (uni)  
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]        (work) Blog: http://schily.blogspot.com/
 URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/ ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily
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