On Tue, 2006-01-10 at 13:39, Christopher Mahan wrote:
> You write below: "I will not be changing this in Solaris."
> What? You are the final arbiter of what goes into Solaris? 

No and I didn't say that.  I said that "I" won't be changing it.
I didn't say it wouldn't happen and I didn't say it couldn't
happen I said "I" wouldn't change it.

Why did I say that I wouldn't put it into Solaris ?  Well because I
happen to be the engineer that put SSH into Solaris in the first place
and I still work very closely with the engineers who currently look
after it.

Don't twist my words.  There is a very big difference in the English
language between the words "I" and "We".

> People are coming forward with concern about safety and system
> integrity, and you rebuff them with the "Go play with your marbles on
> the other side of the courtyard and leave the big boys to the serious
> business" attitude?

I have pointed out why the string is necessary for interop and why with
all the other fingerprinting possibilities out there it really doesn't
make a difference.

At least with OpenSolaris people now have a choice.

> option, I the very least I expect you to demonstrate professional and
> respectful demeanor.

I don't believe I was unprofessional anywhere and I'm sorry that you
feel it necessary to attack me in the way you have.  It was a serious
technical discussion with input from multiple people, I wouldn't
even call it an argument.

> On the particular issue, I would consider a flag, such as "Disable OS
> Identification to client" to be an acceptable option for all parties
> to consider.

This exact same suggestion was made a few years ago on the OpenSSH
development aliases and rejected there for the same reasons that
Casper and I sited here.

> Now, to be fair, you may have been having a bad day. We all do from
> time to time. Just don't let your bad day affect the eagerness of
> participants to make this OS/distro better.

Huh ?  I'm not having a bad day I'm just pointing out that as far as I
am concerned it isn't a useful option.

It did NOT say that we wouldn't accept contributions, nor did I say that
it would never happen.

If you really think it is important submit patches and it can be worked
through and if it passes all the necessary OpenSolaris process it may
happen.  I'm not going to be the one to do that though, but that also
doesn't mean that if someone submits patches and a proposal I wouldn't
help them out - because I would (even if I don't personally agree with
the suggestion).

Darren J Moffat 

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