On 23/08/07, Richard L. Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> > Its pathetic when companies like Adobe only look at
> > quarter-to-quarter
> > profits rather than long term strategy. But hey,
> > thats corporate America
> > - explains why the credit crunch was an inevitable
> > thing that was going
> > to occur.
> "corporate America" isn't any one thing - it's not only
> (_short_sighted_example_), but also Sun, that opened
> quite a bit arguably as part of their turnaround.
> (just as long as you're not one of these mandatory volunteerism
> nutcases...I mean really, where's the virtue in that?)

Turn around is subjective given that:

1) Interest rates are low
2) Weak dollar which makes exports cheaper - both services and hardware
3) Federal government at its peak, injecting a stimulus of $500billion into
the economy each year.

If a company isn't doing well in a sorry state of corporate welfare and
fiscal extravagance, then something is definitely wrong.

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