Now that Sun has, for the second time, (re)anonounced with all the big noise 
and confetti how they are to interoperate with Microsoft, is there any chance 
that we will finally see Windows Media Player / Microsoft (or whatever they are 
called, I don't care) codecs in Solaris?

As far as I remember, Microsoft and Sun concluded an agreement whereby both 
companies were entitled to freely use the technologies and patents of another.

Which, simply put, means:

Sun has free/gratis access to all the Microsoft codec specifications, as well 
as NTFS specs!

In fact, Sun, under this agreement has access to all and any Microsoft 
technology, and is free to implement that technology in Solaris in any way Sun 

So what does everyone else think? Do we want those codecs in (Open)Solaris, 
while there are six years still left on the agreement, or not? And throw in 
NTFS R/W support while we're at it, Sun has legal access and the means to get 
all the specs!
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