> >It seems that PSARC discussions are not taken for serious....
> Why would you conclude that?
> It's very simple, Joerg, first to integrate wins.

WRONG: in the OSS world the first user os a name wins and the imagemagick name 
is thus illegal.

> If you want to rename compare you will need to take this up with
> the ImageMagick folks.

They ignore mail. This is not fair!

> I thinkt hat integrating open source projects "as is" is vastly more 
> important than using names which could be used for other programs.
> As there I expect that the use of ImageMgick is quite a bit more 
> widespread than your compare program, I don't see this as a serious
> issue.
> I don't see why we should rename something because of a conflict with 
> something we do not ship.

Because if Sun does not rename the image magick program Sun verifies that 
PSARC discussions are just to fool people but do not have useful resaults.

Sun has the chance to verify that Sun for OpenSolaris is listening to it's


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