Moinak Ghosh wrote:
On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Lurie <> wrote:
So modern Linux package managers do not have any  of these qualities ?
Some of them ? Of course. All of them ? No. Just a few points:
1. They usually upgrade a live system (and while it's possible for some to do a 
non-live upgrade, the live upgrade is exactly how pretty much all of them 
operate by default).

   Yes. But the separate boot environment pieces is what is delivered by ZFS +
   Caiman Installer, not a package manager feature per-se.

Yes, but without integration with the package management system, they would be rather cumbersome to use.

   Relative. If one wants to benefit from open-sourcing then in the longer run,
   for some stuff, it is better to work with the community and try to utilize
   synergies with community run projects rather than doing everything in own

The pkg(5) team has worked with the OpenSolaris community directly and invites any members that want to participate in its development to do so. The source code has been hosted on publicly for a long time, and almost all discussions surrounding its design occur on the public pkg-discuss mailing list.

Your primary gripe about IPS seems to be "why didn't they just enhance another packaging system." You could ask that same question about thousands of other open source projects. There's a saying, "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." You seem to be looking at things the same way...

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